『24』Titan-Shifting Attempts

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Monday, May 14, 850 at 08:13


"I came up with a way that would only half-kill you."

'Half-kill? How's Levi gonna manage that?' you questioned yourself with an impassive face, right side leaning on the podium that the section commander you came here with -Hanji- sat on top of.

Moblit had come along too, although he had offered to sit down at one of the empty desks in the old classroom you all were in and copy Hanji's notes on Sawney and Bean's measurements -who you still had yet to meet- into your journal from the other day, promising to give you and Hanji your journals back once he was done. You were sure he was glad to get a momentary break, and you were just glad that you didn't have to copy down everything, 'It took me forever to write them down for Sawney and Bean, it felt like my hand was cramping for days.' Gunther was just a few feet to your immediate left, then came Eld at his left, then Oluo, and then Petra as they all paid close attention to the corporal who was currently giving out new information they had yet to soak in. Eren was the only one besides you, Levi, Moblit and Hanji who wasn't standing back in their -most likely subconsciously- formed line. "Sir?" Eren asked.

"I said that I'd only be able to stop you as a titan if I killed you, but this method would only leave you badly injured. Of course, it relies on the squad's skill." Levi spoke in his usual monotone way, moving his hand -that held a piece of chalk in it- to the chalkboard at his side and soon drawing markings on the slate to illustrate a proper diagram on what he was talking about, "The idea is to cut you right out of the titan's nape. We'd end up cutting the ends of your arms and legs off, but they'd just grow back like a lizard's." He drew the basic form of the human body, making a circle around the figure's limbs that indicated what part would most likely be amputated, then adding an afterthought once a few seconds had passed, "Creepy, really."

The alarm in Eren's eyes was immediately recognized by you, and while you still felt a small amount of pity for the teen, you knew that at least he -probably- wouldn't end up dead. 'This is bigger than some teenager after all, I need to remember that.' you told yourself, "Wait." said boy started with slightly widened eyes, turning his full attention to Levi as he spoke, "I don't know how they grow back, is there some other way..." he trailed off, hinting that he would prefer not having the chance of losing mobility.

Levi needed little time to understand what Eren was hinting at, soon glaring his now judgemental and piercing eyes at the shifter, "So you're saying that you don't want there to be any danger or sacrifice?"

"N-No..." Eren meekly said with a stutter, only realizing now how selfish his words seemed, especially when he was saying them in front of the people who would be risking their lives trying to make sure that Eren could be taken out of his nape instead of killed on the spot. To be completely honest, you weren't sure if you'd be among those people, given that you were only truly a part of the Special Operations Squad when on expeditions, 'Although now that I think about it, I suppose it also includes any breaches inside the Walls, I was assigned by Erwin to help them during Trost after all. Or perhaps it's just a matter of titan fighting that means I'll have to work with them...?'

"Then resolve yourself," Levi bluntly spoke, eyes indifferent to the situation at hand, "We will, too. The danger for us is that you might kill us, so don't worry."

"Yes... Understood, sir."

"Th-Then, I can do experiments today?" the girl to your right asked, hands folded in front of her face and a slight glare in her glasses that you could partially see from your angle behind her. You yourself couldn't help but get a little enthused as well -even if you had a different way of showing it- bright eyes full of hope looking to the corporal as he gave his answer, "It's very risky." he admitted with a sigh, "But that doesn't mean that we can't use him to investigate. You have to keep him in a preferably controlled area, as said by Erwin, however."

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