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𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝟐𝟐𝐍𝐃, 𝟖𝟓𝟎 𝐀𝐓 𝟎𝟕:𝟎𝟖


  The papers in your hand jostled around a little as you did your best to straighten them out, trying to make them as professional-looking as you could while you made your way over to Erwin's office, 'This is the easy part, and yet I still get a little nervous when I have to make these reports. Thank the Walls I stopped stuttering a long time ago, but... I wish I stopped feeling anxious so then this whole thing was easier.' you admitted to yourself, 'I guess I just really like my job and the thought of messing it up and losing my position is scary.'

  Since Hanji had told you that she had already informed the commander what had happened, all you had to do was turn in the paperwork you had filled out a couple of nights ago -and maybe give Erwin a brief recap if he wanted it. Before you knew it, you found your boots stopping in front of a door -the plaque on it reading Erwin Smith, Commander confirming that it was indeed the door you were searching for. Raising your left hand up to knock, you proceed to hit the wooden barrier with your fist, hearing a muffled male voice shout, "Come in." before you turned the doorknob and entered the room.

  "Good morning, Commander Erwin. I have those reports you wanted."

  "Yes." he merely said as the light blonde put his hand out, silently asking for the pile of papyrus while you made your way over to the desk he was sitting behind; handing them to him, he then started to scan over the papers and only spoke up again after a brief pause, "Hanji already gave me a thorough report in the Mess Hall last evening, so I don't need a detailed verbal report. Overall, what the two of you found out is that the titans require sunlight for energy, correct?"

  "Yeah, we had blocked them off from the sun -despite the sun still being out- and found that they fell asleep. Then we decided to keep them under for however long it took them to wake up naturally, but we decided against that after three days because we didn't want to accidentally kill them." Erwin was silent as he took in the words, you deciding to add on a little bit when you saw he wasn't speaking to fill the void, "Yesterday we recorded how long it took for each titan to fall asleep, and today we are going to see if they fall asleep while just their heads are covered."

  At this he raised a brow, "As a way to make sure they get their energy from the sun and not from it just being dark and making them tired?" Erwin hypothesised, lifting his tone at the end in a question.

  "Yup!" you smiled in thought, telling yourself in your head that this was one of the last tests that could possibly prove your theory wrong before it was accepted as fact, 'Well, until they find evidence that that isn't the case, anyways -but as for right now, it looks like that is what's happening.'

  The commander let out a barely audible sigh as his light blue eyes looked up to meet your (E/C) ones, "Well, I suppose I shouldn't keep you here any longer if you could be doing something productive." a small rustle could be heard as he straightened out the parchment you gave him, him lightly hitting the bottom edge of the paper against his mahogany bureau, "You're free to go, (Y/N). All I ask is that you report how the experiment you're doing today goes before you head off to do free-range experiments with Hanji on the twenty-sixth."

  "Of course, Commander Erwin," you agreed, "I'll report them as soon as I have paperwork filled out for it." you made it about halfway over to the exit of the room before he stopped you, "Oh, one more thing, don't bother giving a detailed report about Experiment Two-Hundred and Eighty-Nine." he said, talking about the one you had done after dinner yesterday, "Just give me its paperwork at the same time you give me the paperwork for the one you're doing today."

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