『16』Tea Time

734 70 37

Thursday, May 2, 850 at 12:01


Standing up, you stretched out your legs and looked down at your handiwork with a satisfied grin. The red headed male had brought the excess rope and the both of you, you and Hanji, had used it effectively on the wolves, now sure that they weren't going to break free and bring terror upon the townspeople anymore. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hanji finishing up the last of her knots on one of the wolves, but before you could talk to her or anything, Milos had walked up to you once more, "Say, Missus (L/N) n' Missus Zoë, would the both of ya like some tea? It'd be the last we could do for ya, for yer help n' such."

You shot a warm smile at him, grateful for his offer, "I'm sure Hanji and I would be much obliged for your hospitality." you said as you glanced over at the woman, silently asking for permission. As much as you wanted to say yes definitely, you still figured it would be best to wait for Hanji to say it herself to tell the man that you would accept his offer. She was basically the one in charge after all.

"If it's no trouble, we would love to, Mr. Wagner."

The man's hospitable smile brightened, "'S no bother, missus. My house is this way, ya both can rest up a bit n' wait for yer friend." He turned on his heel and the pair of you followed as he led you to a nicely sized cottage, 'It's not too big, but it's not too small either. It actually looks rather cozy, I wouldn't mind living in a house like this.' The three of you stopped at the door, and the tall male put his hand on the door before halting and flashing his hazel orbs at you both, "I hope the two of ya don't mind, but me youngin's are home, n' they might be a little..." he shifted his orbs to the ground as he searched for the right word, as if hoping that it would spell itself out on the dirt and aid him in finding it, "Inquisitive on yer occupations. Bein' soldiers n' all, n' with how 'ey're so fascinated on the outside world..."

Hanji gave the man an understanding, bright grin, "We don't mind at all, we'd be happy to answer any questions they have."

The man let out a little relieved chuckle and said, "'Ey might be a wee bit shy at first, but 'ey'll warm up to ya." before he opened the door and allowed for you and Hanji to enter while holding the door open, "Feel free to take a seat Missus (L/N) and Missus Zoë, I'm gonna make yer tea." He slung his shotgun from off of his back and hung it on a piece on the wall that was obviously made for the sole purpose of holding up the weapon, and you couldn't help but wonder if the man had been the one who had crafted it. After seeing that the both of you were taking in your new surroundings, he left the room and let you guys look around.

The room you had gone into was just like the outside of the cottage, cozy and comfortable. Upon entry there was a doormat, a couch to your left, and a few steps forwards along the right wall was a dresser that had the man's shotgun above it and an unlit lantern on top of it -along with a few gloves and hats and such. Windows were strewn about the walls in a way that allowed a healthy amount of natural light into the room, and just about in the middle of the room was a table decorated by golden rays of sun -you assumed it was their dining table- along with the four chairs around it. On the wall furthest from the door were two chairs that greatly resembled loveseats -you also took note that there was a staircase going upstairs near the left wall, and that the kitchen -you guessed it was the kitchen given that the man had gone in there to make some tea- was past the dresser on the right wall.

Raising a finger, you pointed to the dining table with a snicker, "Wanna sit down for a little, Miss Zoë?" You weren't making fun of the man -you actually found it rather polite of him to continue to use such formal titles- you just knew that Hanji wasn't used to it, so you saw it as an opportunity to take a few jabs at her.

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