Trip to the Human World

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Alicia took in a deep breath when she and Mammon reached the human world. For some reason, she didn't notice the change in the air when she was in the Devildom. The human world air didn't feel as hot and it was a little too easy for her to breathe. She stumbled back a little and bumped into Mammon, who promptly shoved her off of him. 

"You've been out of the mortal realm for less than a day and you're already overwhelmed by the air?" Mammon rolled his eyes and followed after the girl as she led the way. "I still don't get why ya couldn't just use whatever we have down in Devildom. What's the deal?"

"Changing products so suddenly will cause my skin to break out," Alicia muttered, already annoyed with this demon's attitude. She felt around her pants for her wallet and stopped when she realized her pockets were empty. "Where's my wallet? And my phone?"

"The phone you won't need. That's what you have your D.D.D. for, as for your wallet..." Mammon reached into his own pocket and held the Team Instinct wallet between his fingers.  "If I have to babysit you, I want to be properly compensated."

"Give me my wallet. It has my MetroCard in it, and I need it for where we're going." Alicia reached up and Mammon moved his hand higher out of her grasp. 

"Call a cab." 

"Bold of you to assume I have enough money for a cab." Alicia watched Mammon for a second and tried to snatch her wallet, but she simply swiped at the air. Mammon stood on the other side of her and he scoffed. 

"You're not fast enough to snatch this from me." Mammon opened her wallet and looked inside, pulling out the yellow card. "Here."

Alicia took the MetroCard and sighed in relief since the bus was close. "Do you have to be such an asshole?"

"Hey, it's not like I want to be here. I'd rather be back home, I'm a very busy demon. I have tons of stuff going on, babysitting a human isn't really my idea of using my time wisely."

"Sucks that you're afraid of that Lucifer guy then, huh?" Alicia climbed on the bus and Mammon strolled in behind her, pushing her into a seat. 

"Let's get one thing clear, I'm not afraid of Lucifer. There's an order of respect to be held and he's the oldest. That's the only reason I agreed to this. Ya got that?"

"Damn sure didn't sound like it," Alicia said before toying with the D.D.D Lucifer gave her. 20 minutes later, the two were at the beauty supply store. 

"Why is it so cramped in here?" Mammon muttered while Alicia grabbed a basket for her things. 

"A lot of these stores are built as holes in walls. There isn't much space for inventory." Alicia knocked a few bottles of Peppermint Soap in the basket and walked over to the next aisle for things to keep her hair as neat as possible. "So...If I'm in the Devildom, where does my family think I am?"

"They know you're at a prestigious school for the year. We sent out notices as soon as you arrived. Lucifer said something about your credits transferring over back to your human school." Mammon picked up a few bottles of shampoo and sniffed them. "So sweet."

"I have more questions." 

"Then you need to save them for Lucifer. I don't handle all the paperwork." 

Alicia sighed and double-checked her basket. She had enough supplies for the next few months.  Hopefully, she'll be able to convince Lucifer to let her come back when she needed to. 

Mammon handed Alicia back her wallet when she got to the counter, and he smirked a bit when she pulled out a credit card. "I thought you didn't have money for a cab."

"I don't, I'm going to have to pay this back." Alicia held the card to the cashier and Mammon stopped her. 

"Hmph...I can't let you pay for this. The only reason you need to buy all this stuff is because of us. But don't go thinking I'm going to do this often, got it? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You should be thankful that the Great Mammon is willing to spot you."

Alicia did her best, but she couldn't fight the smile that found itself on her face. Mammon was taken aback, she had a radiant smile. He tore his eyes away from her for a moment and turned his attention to the cashier, charming her into letting them leave with the products without paying.

"Thank you, oh Great Mammon," Alicia said playfully. She took the bag and walked out of the store with him. 

"Yeah yeah, do you have anything you need? You need anything else?" Mammon stole a glance at her and felt his heart skip a bit. In the light of this world's sun, she was pretty. The sun gently kissed her beautiful brown skin, he could see the shade of dark brown hair that curled around her face. She was much shorter than any of the women he'd seen back home...he had to have been at least a foot and a half taller than her. 

She was also bigger than the women he usually dealt with, but that wasn't a bad thing. She looked good, but his eyes were drawn back to that smile of her's. 

"Yeah, I have everything I need. I don't need any clothes right? Just the uniform?" Alicia stood on the street corner and stuck her arm out to hail a cab. 

"Right, just the uniform. If you need anything else, you can buy clothes at Majolish. I'm sure they'll have things in your size. Lucifer will make sure you have everything you need." Mammon watched as the cars drove past Alicia's outstretched hand sighed. "What are they, blind?" 

"It happens. Didn't you know that New York is one of the most unfriendly states? And then we're in the Bronx, even more unfriendly." Alicia laughed a bit and watched Mammon stick his hand out and land a cab a few seconds later. 

"Well, we don't have all day." Mammon got in the cab and Alicia followed suit. The two talked a little more on the way back to the entrance to the Devildom. For the time being, the ice on Mammon's shoulder seemed to thaw, and that helped Alicia relax a little more. If they were all easy to win over, maybe this wouldn't be a bad year. 

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