Spinning Room

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That's it, I thought as Alastor helped me out of the bar and to my apartment, This is how I die a second time. Where the fuck do I go if I die in Hell? Double Hell? 

I didn't want to think about how Alastor knew where I lived. I just concentrated on not vomiting on the Radio Demon for a second time. 

Thankfully, my neighbors were not screaming at each other when we got there. Alastor helped me to the couch, making sure I laid on my side so I didn't choke on my vomit if I threw up again. With the room spinning, all I could do was groan and pray I had nothing left in my stomach to throw up again. 

"Reach up and touch the arm of the couch," Alastor advised. I did as I was told, the knowledge of something solid and unmoving helping to stop most of the spinning.* Taking deep breaths, I slowly calmed down. 

Now that the room had stopped spinning, I could close my eyes. Though I knew deep down it was probably a bad idea to go to sleep with one of the most notorious demons in all of Hell not five feet away, my body was just shutting down.

The last thing I saw before passing out was Alastor peering at my open computer, reading the book I had been working on. 

*Fun tip, grounding yourself when you have the drunken spins works. A wall, headboard, whatever solid that you can place your palm flat on helps when the world is spinning. Welcome to my ted talk.

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