Let the Dice Roll

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Alastor seemed surprised I would even entertain the idea. Raising an eyebrow, his Cheshire grin stretched across his face as he replied, "I have a friend in publishing who owes me a favor. If you offer me ten percent of your profits, I'll make sure it hits the press by the end of the week."

I nearly choked on my sake. Ten percent could either be a little or a lot depending on how well the book sold. Wiping my mouth, I took a moment to get my thoughts in order.

"And what if the book flops?" I asked, "You won't get anything out of it."

"I'm a smart gambler." Was his answer, "So do we have a deal?"

As he spoke, Alastor offered me his hand. The small candle on the table flickered green, the air growing heavy with electricity. I looked from the candle to his hand, reminded of the first time someone had offered me a joint. This was either going to be the best damned thing that ever happened to me or the worst. 

And I had no way of knowing until it happened.

"It's a deal," I said, taking the hand he offered me. Let the dice roll.

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