The Sequel

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By the end of the week, my book was in every bookstore in Hell. Not only that, but people were also actually buying it.  In all my living and undead lives, this was a dream come true. 

Since I had kissed Alastor, something had changed between us.  I still went over to his study to write every day, however, instead of leaving me alone, he would drop in to see how things were and bring me drinks and snacks.

"A sequel already?" Alastor peered over my shoulder as he set a cup of coffee beside my laptop.

I nodded, moving so he could read, "Why not? I left several strings untied at the end. It seems kind of cruel to leave people hanging like that, don't you think?"

"Touche, my dear." He chuckled, moving to go sit in an armchair.

"Did you just come in here to pester me or did you need something?" I raised an eyebrow at the Radio Demon.

"I got a call today from Habor and Jones," Alastor replied, pausing to give me time to register the name. Harbor and Jones was the biggest bookstore on this end of the Pentagram.

"They want you to come in for a book signing." He continued, his smile slowly stretching over his handsome face.

"When?" I was on the edge of my seat.

"This weekend."

A Tale As Old As Time | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now