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This morning, I woke up on my own. I roll out of my bed and put my robes on. I must have misplaced my lightsaber. I search for it almost everywhere when I realize I have it with me. I sigh and study the saber. I made it about two years ago - I lost my other one in a battle. It's silver and has a Rancor tooth on the end of it from another battle. I turned it over, feeling the coolness of the metal in my hands. It was perfect. I twirl it once. I clip the lightsaber to my belt and walk out of my room. It's quiet in the long corridor - nobody seems to be up yet. I didn't realize I had woken so early.

I go to the main entrance and go outside, but I don't go down the steps. I watch the sunrise - it's nothing compared to Shili's sunrises. I sigh. I'm so focused on the colors I hardly sense the person behind me.

"Oh, good morning," I say, turning my head over my shoulder. I didn't know who it was. He had dark hair, dark eyes, and looked only a few years older than me.

"Hello. I'm going out for a drink - don't tell the Council," I recognized his voice from somewhere. He started down the stairs. A light bulb went off in my head. It was the voice I heard outside my door last night.

"Wait! What's your name?" I called out to him. He was too far away, so he couldn't hear me. I was too tired to go after him. I walk back inside, the sun finishing rising up. I see a few clones ahead. I approach them.

"Hello!" I say to them. The first wave of clones had just been finished producing. I didn't know they'd be sent out that fast. The three stood up straight and introduced themselves.

"Hello, Jedi. My code is 34-PLAYR. You can call me Player," The one on the right said. I smiled - did they really think I was a Jedi?

"Hello, Jedi. My code is KO-974O. These guys call me KnockOut - you can too," The clone on the left announced.

"Hello, Jedi. My code is 0432-ST. I'm a Commander, so that's why my helmet has blue on it. You can call me Commander Saint," The clone in the middle said.

"Nice to meet you three. I'm actually not a Jedi yet - I'm still a Padawan learner. My name is Rye Nevez,"

"Likewise, Rye. Us three are assigned to you when you become a Jedi - that's what Jedi Master Yoda told us," Commander Saint said.

"Awesome! If you guys don't have anything to do, you can go down to the streets - that's what I do in my free time," I told them. Commander Saint nodded.

"Come on, boys. Let's go," He said. Player and KnockOut followed after the commander. I walked towards the elevator but took a left before I reached it - I wanted to talk to Master Plo Koon about becoming a Jedi. I figured he'd be meditating, so I went to the rooms designated for that.

I couldn't really tell which room my master was in, so I put my ear to every door. The first door was empty - so were the second and third doors. But, when I tip-toed to the fourth door, I heard whispers.

"If we continue to let her go around and kill people we don't even know are targets, we can't make her a Master," I didn't have to listen to his voice to detect who it was. It was Master Windu. I rolled my eyes, but kept listening.

"If we allow one moment to overshadow the rest, deep enough we aren't looking. Mindful of this we must be, Master Windu," I heard Yoda say. I listened in more.

"I do not think this is a good idea," Master Windu sighed.

"Capable, the Padawan is," Master Yoda said. Silence. I walked silently away from the room. Plo Koon was in the next room. I turn the handle and walk in, not saying anything. I sat down on a large audomen and closed my eyes.

"Hello, my Padawan. What brings you here?"

"Master, I wanted to ask you about my training. When will it be complete?" I didn't know if he'd answer my question.

"You're ready. I just don't think I'm ready for you to go. Rye, you're like the daughter I couldn't have. I fell in love a while back - but I told myself no. It was so hard," Master Plo said. I felt bad for him.

"I'm sorry, Master. I was taken in by the Jedi Order when I was very young, and ever since you picked me to be your Padawan... you were the only father figure I had in my life. Yes, I had Qui-Gon, but he didn't pick me. You picked me, and I'll forever be thankful for that. But, just because I'm not going to be your Padawan doesn't mean we still won't be friends. We can go on all sorts of cool missions together and we can fight alongside each other," I responded to Plo Koon.

"You're right, Rye. In a few days I promise you'll become a Master. I promise," My Master said. I smiled. Sure, I'd miss being Plo's Padawan, but now I can show off all of my hard work. I just had to get past Master Windu's remarks, which may be a problem.

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