
14 1 0

March 2093

Ahhhh. I love Saturdays. I slowly got out of bed and brushed my teeth. As I walked downstairs, I smelled pancakes. My mom never made pancakes, so my mouth was watering when I entered the kitchen. My mom was in her light pink robe by the skillet and my dad was on his phone in the living room.

"Good morning sweetie" my mom said.

"Good morning mom" I said. Something felt wrong.

"Um me and your mother need to talk to you about something." My dad walked into the kitchen.

Yep. There it was.

We all went to the dining room and sat down.

My mom started, "ok so don't get too excited but the planet is habitable for humans."

Oh my god. OH MY GOD!

"You're kidding!" I said. My mom shook her head. Holy shit. I'm gonna lose it.

"I can't believe this!!" I said. I honestly don't know what to think. I feel like I could laugh and cry at the same time!

"But there's something else" my dad said. Ok, well this could go two ways.

"They are recruiting one student from each state to go and help."

"Student? Like my age?" I asked. He nodded his head. I couldn't breathe. I could feel the excitement all over my body. I could scream. I could cry. I felt so many emotions.

"Tell me more" I said, almost demanding.

"well, each student will get a chance to be one of the 50 kids helping in the mission. They have to be at least 15 and must take college classes."

I take college classes, but I couldn't imagine a freshman taking them. I started them at the end of last year.

"first there will be a test in your school. Whoever makes it will go to district, then state."

Oh wow. This could mean I might have a chance at being an astronaut.

"Can I do it?" I asked.

They gave me a concerned look.

"Oh, come on! Please! I know I'll make it! I have to do this!"

"Honey, we have no doubt you'll do an amazing job but..."

"but what?"

"It could be so dangerous" my mom said.

"Oh god. Mom, dad. I have wanted to do this forever. Please, I won't die I promise-"

"no you can't promise." My mom said, cutting me off.

"Eliza, calm down" my dad said.

"I can't lose my sister and my daughter"

Oh. Mom never really talked about her sister, at least not in front of me. What if I made it, and I did die? I didn't want to imagine the pain I would put my mom in.

"Let's talk about this later? Maybe we can go out for dinner and talk about it?" my dad asked.

"ok." I headed upstairs even without breakfast.

I was mad. If they knew I could do it, why would they say no? this has been my dream. And I can do it now. Not after college, or when I am old and wrinkly, now. Right now. I really want this.

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