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April 2093

It's the next day, I texted Avery because I felt bad for not hanging out with her.

Me: Since I couldn't hang out last night, do you want to go get ice cream tomorrow?

Avery: Sure. why not.

Hm. I thought she would be more excited. Its fine. Anyway, my mom told me about a website that would let me sign up for the selection and give me more information about it. It was called I typed it into my laptop and the website came up. It had a bunch of information, but I just wanted to find out why they were letting a bunch of kids help with something that is this important. It says:

With this exciting information, we needed more help. And what better people to volunteer than the smart young kids of the country. Our future is in their hands. With their help and ideas, we will be able to accomplish more than ever.

Basically, they were saying the only astronauts they had were old and as wrinkly as a prune. But I was glad they were recognizing the smarts of my generation and not just complaining about how we are always on electronics.

There was another section called "The Tests" and decided I would need to read it.

The tests will be based off of your astrophysics classes that you have been required to take. There will be tests in your school, district then state. The highest scorer of the state will be sent a letter/email on what to do next.

The astrophysics classes that I took weren't hard but definitely weren't easy. I decided studying would be the best approach. (I mean, what else could I do?) I checked to see if the website had any test practice, but it didn't. After I read a few more things, I brought my laptop downstairs so my parents could fill in all the information to sign me up. I couldn't believe it. This was actually happening. It all felt like a dream.


After we filled out my information, I took a shower and got dressed. My dad was leaving tomorrow, and we were going to a trampoline park to play lazer tag. I had loved playing lazer tag with my dad since I was 10.

Around 3, my dad and I left. First, we went to play lazer tag. It was so much fun. It brought back memories when Avery and I would go against the parents. Including my aunt and uncle. They let us beat them every time. After lazer tag, we went to get lunch and decided on chicka-pop. My dad said it reminded him of a restaurant when he was younger called "Chick Fil A". I ordered a caesar salad and lemonade. They had the best lemonade. I didn't order much because afterward we got milkshakes.

"You know Erica, I am so proud of you." I smiled. I knew my dad thought that but saying it out loud just made my heart warm up.

"I know." I responded. "I'll miss you when you leave."

"I know honey. I'll miss you too"

"Yeah and then I have to study for all of it too."


I don't know why Avery wasn't being herself. When my dad and I got home, Me and Avery face timed each other and I told her about the space thing. She didn't even look up and me when I told her my parents gave me permission to do it.

"Avery, are you ok?" It just came out.

"Why wouldn't I be ok?"

"You have just seemed off lately" I said.

"Honestly you should just mind your own business" she said.

I was so confused. Avery has NEVER acted like this to me before and I was a little shocked.

"Avery, I know you. You are not acting normal. You're not your usual bubbly self."

"Well what do you want me to say Erica?! 'Wow so happy for you especially when you brag in my face'? Just back off!"

She just said that. She just screamed in my face. Was I bragging? I didn't think I was. Even if I was, Avery would never scream at me. Maybe I just didn't realize. I've just been so excited.

"I- I'm sorry" I say. I feel like I could cry. My best friend was yelling at me and I didn't even know why. A few minutes after I apologized, Avery said something.

"Well I guess I'm sorry too. I'm happy for you" she said. I don't think she meant it. She didn't even look at me or have any expression in her voice.

"Its ok. Are we still up for ice cream tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure" She responded.

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