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July 2093

"I think I'm over it now" I said to Ms. Valerie.

"I still think you should come and see me every once in a while and stay in contact in case you need anything."

It's been almost 3 months since Avery died. I hurts to think about but I am doing a lot better now. The only thing is I'm still cutting. I think it's becoming a habit that I'm not proud of. I haven't told anyone.

"Of course. Thank you so much for what you've done for me" I said.

She smiled. "I'm glad I could help."


It's been like a week since I took the district test and today I figure out who won. It is going to be posted on their website on 10 minutes. I was so nervous. My mom kept telling me that even if I didn't win, she would still be so proud of me.

I really didn't think I would win but grandma was getting my hopes up. I kind of regret inviting her now.

"I just know it, Erica! You are too smart" grandma said.

5 minutes until they post it.

"I'll go ahead and order some pizza to celebrate!" grandma said. I laughed.

"I haven't won yet grandma" I thought she was kidding until I heard her on the phone in the kitchen. She was actually ordering pizza.

1 minute. It should be posted now.

My laptop dinged. I turned away and closed my eyes. I was too nervous.

"Hahaha! I knew it! I knew it!" I heard grandma say.

I ran over to the laptop. Oh my god I made it. I was going to state!

"Erica we're so proud of you!" My parents both gave me a big hug.

Grandma was just sitting there smiling. Then she pulled me over.

"Avery would be so proud" she said.


It was Monday. I was so glad we were finally off of school. My dad said when he was younger, he was off for summer break in May. May! That's so weird. We get off in July and go back in October. And my dad thinks it's odd.

All of my friends texted me saying congrats and they were so proud of me. Even some of the seniors texted me. I felt so happy inside. This was one of my greatest accomplishments in my whole life. I wanted to win state, but I knew I probably wouldn't. there would be so many more kids smarter than me. At least I got to try.

I had to figure out what I had to do next. The state test was in a week and I needed to study. It would be 2 hours away at another school. 180 kids would be there including me. I decided to start studying.


It was Tuesday. I was sitting downstairs eating breakfast when the phone rang.

"Hello. Yes this is Julie Wilson... oh no... Is she alright? .... Oh thank goodness... yes, yes we're on our way"

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked.

"Grandma has been in a car accident" she said.

I almost choked on my food. No... no.

"Mom is she okay?"

"She's fine, but we need to go to the hospital now" she said. My dad and I rushed upstairs as soon as she finished her sentence.


"I don't know why they are keeping me here" grandma said.

"I'm absolutely fine"

"Mom, you almost broke your wrist" my mom said.

"Well, if it weren't for that son of a gun who rammed into me I would be fine"

"But he did run into you. And you need to be careful"

I was so relieved grandma was okay. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. My eyes were watering a little. Just because I was so scared. I didn't want anyone to notice but grandma did.

"Oh Erica, come here" grandma said.

I sat next to her in her hospital bed and tried to wipe away my tears.

"I didn't mean to scare you like that honey" she said.

"It's not your fault grandma" I responded.

Then my mom gave my grandma a look.

"Hey Erica, would you get me some snacks from the vending machine? It's down the hall" my dad asked.

"Um okay. You guys want anything?" I asked my mom and grandma. They both shook their heads, so I headed out of the room.

I hated hospitals. I hated them so much. They were so eerie. They always had that old person smell and the halls felt so empty. Some of the patient's doors were open and I could see some very old people. It looked like life was sucked out of them. They will probably spend their last moments on that bed.

I found the vending machine and got dad some chips. I also got myself popcorn. I also saw a little café a little further down the hall in what looked like a waiting room. I decided to get myself some coffee. I liked mine with lots of sugar and cream, so it was sweet. And it couldn't be too hot.

Avery always liked hers to be boiling hot.


When I got back to the room it felt awkward. I gave my dad his chips and sat down.

"Erica, grandma is going to be staying with us for a few months." My mom said.

"Oh... um why?" I asked.

"Well... uh... just to make sure she is being careful with her wrist" my mom said.

"Oh okay" I said, and I smiled. It was pretty fake. It's not that I didn't want grandma to stay with us, but months? Wouldn't she just need to stay with us for like 2 weeks? My mom is a little protective, but months? It just seemed like a lot and I couldn't help but feel there was another reason.

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