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July 2093

I was completely freaking out. I just got and email about going to district. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I will have to drive to some school that's about 20 minutes away to take the test and it's on Sunday. Today was Thursday. That gave me about 3 days to study.

I got some apples and peanut butter and some water. I got every single book I had about my astrophysics and astronomy classes. I listened to music and started studying. I realized I hadn't journaled in a long time so I decided to make notes on everything I would need to know with blue, purple and pink markers.


I studied for 4 hours without even realizing it. It was 11 already. I decided I should get going to bed. I had school tomorrow and didn't want to be late again.


I stopped doing my morning routine a few weeks ago. I found no purpose in it. And I was right. There was no purpose. Now I could sleep in later and I wasn't so rushed. I decided to wear a hoodie and some sweat pants. I put my hair in a messy bun then I left. I got some coffee on the way because I was feeling extra tired.

When I got to school it was very boring. My friends have been so nice ever since Avery died. Well most of them have. The "popular" boys and girls have been so self centered. They don't give a damn that Avery died and hate me even more for winning the space test at our school. They said they don't think I'll make it to state, but all my friends tell them otherwise.

After school I studied more. My mom brought me some donuts and I was very happy. Donuts make everything better. After a while I was tired of studying, but I didn't stop. I had to prove the popular kids wrong. I had to have this great opportunity. I had to do it for Avery.


I couldn't believe this. I was in my car. I was going to district. Level 2. My second challenge. My obstacle. I was really scared, but I knew I shouldn't be. I studied for hours on end, and could probably answer any question they had prepared. But the other kids probably studied too. They were probably as smart as I was. Unless the whole school was stupid. But the whole school prob-

My thoughts were interrupted by my GPS that told me to turn onto Bakers Road. Oh my gosh. I could see the school. I was so scared.

When I went inside, there was a desk and a lady sitting behind it.

"Name and school" she demanded.

"Oh um... Erica Wilson and Central High" I responded.

"Ok let's see here..." she checked a long list.

"Oh yes. Erica take this and head into the room down the hall to the right. Room 503."

She handed me a ticket looking thing with my name, personal information and some random numbers.

"Thank you" I said. She didn't even look at me. Some people.

I found room 503 pretty quickly. It was a big square room with 20 desks in rows. About 10 people were already there.

I had to wait a while before the test started. I was getting more anxious by the second. A bunch of adults were there to make sure we followed the rules. When the test actually started I was screaming inside. It was a very big packet with 20 pages front and back. But the questions weren't that hard. I was glad I studied.

I was the first to finish and I was a little unsure. But I handed it in and headed out the door.

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