6. I Breathe When They Try to Suffocate Me

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At breakfast the following morning, Virg was on the lookout. Someone had to be responsible for what had happened the night before, and the evident surprise the Dauntless leaders were displaying at seeing him enter the hall completely unharmed was... well. Satisfying. He met their gaze unflinchingly, before turning away to speak to Gini.

"The looks on their faces almost makes it worth it."

"You almost died, Virg," Gini muttered, as the two of them weaved through the tables towards their usual spot. "Not worth. Not at all."

"Aw, come on, I'm fine now bro."

"Don't ever do that to me again," he replied, with a small chuckle. "You scared me."

"Sorry. Hey, look."

Virg had caught sight of a few members of the army who looked pretty battered and bruised, and he gestured towards them. Gini followed his gaze, and smirked.

"You think they're your guys?"

"Has to be," he responded. "What's ironic is Marcus is completely fine. Guess he sent his subordinates to do the dirty work."

"He'll be thankful he did, by the looks of it," Gini chuckled, as he followed his friend's gaze over to the head of the army.

"Right? Jord did a number on all of them. Imagine flattening five guys in one go. Five of the strongest from the army, no less. Damn."

Gini glanced at him in amusement.

"You're already proud of her," he stated.

"Aren't you? She might have been out of control, but she had to be giving it some sort of direction. That wasn't just an explosion of power, or it would have knocked me out as well."

"I never thought of it that way," Gini mused.

The two of them reached their table and sat down, greeting Trent, Hannah, Ox, and Joe who were already seated there.

"Morning," said Joe, smiling sleepily at the two of them, whilst the others echoed him. "We kept you breakfast, since you're kinda late."

"Don't tell me you slept in, big man," said Ox, raising an eyebrow at Virg. "Dreadful behaviour."

Virg was of the opinion that he had every right to sleep in, considering what time he'd gone to bed the night before, but he said nothing, merely grinned at Ox.

"Let him enjoy it Ox," Hannah complained. "We get one morning off training a week. He'll be waking us up at the crack of dawn again tomorrow."

"With a hammer against the water pipes," Trent added. "I'm gonna have nightmares about that for years, you know."

"It's nothing the rest of us haven't gone through, and you know it," Gini told him.

Hannah departed to get coffee, and Gini took advantage of her absence to make the fruit and bacon strips on his plate appear somewhat more appetising, the soft green light emanating from his fingertips infusing with the food and making it look much fresher.

"Gini are you crazy?" Trent hissed at him. "Hannah was right here!"

"You need to tell her, Trent, if you don't want us to," said Virg, eying the young initiate. "Be reasonable. If you think she's Divergent, better she finds out now than when she's being shot at because of it."

"Zero to one hundred real quick," Ox raised an eyebrow. "Can we not talk about my sister being shot? Thank you."

"If she's even half as difficult to deal with as you were, I've got a problem on my hands," Virg shook his head at the curly haired brunet. "You do remember your initiation, don't you?"

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