10. None of Their Lives Impress Me

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The battle, once it had begun, lasted not more than twenty minutes.

Jordyn and Hendo quickly spotted two groups approaching their side of the zone, one to the north, and one to the south. The southern one, which was closest to them, consisted of Virg, Sadio, Bobby, Lia and Rory, and Jordyn shook her head, glancing at Hendo.

"We definitely need to split them up," she muttered.

"I've got an idea, hold on," said Hendo. Jordyn watched as he clambered up the side of a sea container beside them, before firing two warning shots into the middle of their group. He ducked down again quickly, before returning to join his companion.

"Virg's gone south with Sadio and Bobby."

"Let's go," Jord nodded.

The two made their way stealthily towards the bottom of the pier again, Jord catching sight suddenly of a movement in the reflection of the water. She put out her hand to halt their progress, and Hendo stopped.

"This crate," she whispered.

"I'm going," said Hendo. "Back me up."

He crept around the front of the crate, and immediately opened fire, hitting Bobby, who had been taken completely by surprise. Apparently he hadn't noticed his reflection in the water giving him away. Hendo ducked out of sight again quickly, and glanced at Jordyn. The two could hear soft shuffling of feet, and a groan (presumably Bobby).

Jordyn motioned to her companion, indicating she'd go around the other way, and he nodded, preparing to have another go at frontal attack. Jordyn left him, moving silently around the crate, hoping that those on the other side didn't have the same idea. Her power was a little more docile, her excitement still stirring it up, but it seemed to recognise the need to lay low now. The blonde could hear more shooting, as well as yelling, and she had to go for it, finally stepping around the corner of the crate. Virg was there, facing the other direction, and she shot him quickly in the back of the leg, watching as he fell painfully onto his side.

Virg turned to look at who had shot him, and groaned when he saw who it was.

"Should have seen that coming," he stated, hissing the words between his teeth due to the pain from the dart.

"Nice, Jord," Hendo was smirking at her, but suddenly, he was falling to his knees as well with a cry, and Jord realised they hadn't accounted for Sadio. She took up her gun, and fired at him, dodging quickly back behind the wall of the crate. Unfortunately, her first shot missed, and she cursed herself inwardly. She was on her own now, with Hendo down for the foreseeable future. She poked her gun around the wall, trying to get a clean shot on Sadio, but suddenly she too was being shot from behind, and cried out in pain, her gun slipping from her hands. She dropped to the ground, her hands automatically going for the back of her left arm where the dart was, attempting to remove it to stop the pain.

Rory stood above her, with Sadio and Lia soon joining her, high fiving each other.

"Well done guys," said Virg.

"Yeah, well done, you won a five against two," Jord mocked them. "And lost two people in the process."

"Shut up Jord!" Rory smirked at her. "You're down. Play dead."

"Come on, let's go for the flag," said Sadio. The three of them disappeared beyond the sea containers, and Jord lay back on the ground, honestly feeling like actually dying. She hadn't expected the dart to be this painful. She turned to look at where Bobby, Virg and Hendo were lying beside her. Bobby was in better shape than the other two, already sitting up and looking around.

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