16. Show Yourself, Step Into Your Power

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Jord wanted to blame Sadio for the situation she was currently in, but realistically, she'd walked into this one with her eyes open.

"Third tat in a week, Jord," Rory was teasing her, as she sat in the chair, preparing to have her skin inked once again.

"Shut up," Jord grumbled, and Lola giggled at her.

The three girls, as well as Bobby and Sadio, had decided to go and get a tattoo to celebrate making it through stage 1. Well, most of them, anyway. Jord had been fairly resolute that she wasn't getting another one, until Sadio had come up with the idea of Jord, Bobby and himself getting matching ones, as the resident Candor transfers of the class. He'd spent considerable time trying to talk Jord into it, but what finally convinced her was when he drew up what he wanted the tat to look like.

It was a triangle, with a pair of balances, and a tree growing out of one side. The entire thing was on fire, and Jordyn was sold on it as soon as she saw it.

"I had no idea you could draw, Sadio!" She gazed at her friend in amazement. "That's kinda mad."

"I love it!" Bobby was exclaiming. "We're getting this Jord, I will personally tie you down to the chair if you're gonna say no again."

And that was how Jord found herself sitting in the chair, (of her own accord, thank you very much) her left sleeve rolled up so the artist could reach the part where her shoulder connected with her arm. The sting of the tiny needles wasn't too bad in this area, and to begin with, it was somewhat therapeutic. It did become painful as the artist continued to work, however, and she tried to distract herself by talking to her friends. If she tilted her head to the side, she could see Bobby and Sadio getting theirs done in the same place on their upper arm.

"What did you two get?" She asked Rory and Lola.

"I got a cannon, and some writing," said Rory, tilting her left foot to show them where it was printed on the inside of her ankle. "It was going to be just a pistol, but I don't know. I liked how the cannon looked. My brother told me I should wait til later, so I don't get something printed on my skin I'll regret, but I think I'm mature enough to make my own decisions about this."

"You do you, girl," Lola smiled at her. "You know yourself better than anyone else."

"What does the writing say?" Asked Jord, curiously.

"It just says 'shoot straight'," said Rory. Her cheeks going pink as she spoke. "Someone said it to me, a few times actually during initiation, it's helped. It's deeper than it sounds."

"I'll believe you," Jord smiled at her, suspecting she knew who had said it to her, if her blush was anything to go by. "Lola, what about you?"

"Mine's just a flower," explained Lola, showing them her left wrist. It looked something like a cherry blossom, small and delicate, and Lola was smiling at it happily. "It doesn't mean anything much, just vaguely natural beauty, letting things live, you know what I mean."

"That's so sweet," Rory smiled at her. "And it's exactly like you, Lola."

"We did have another idea," said Lola with a laugh, glancing at Jord. "It involves you getting another tat tho, Jord."

"What? You lot are trying to turn my skin into a pin cushion I swear," the blonde complained.

"We need Ems and Lia to be here for it though, but we thought we could all get matching ones too."

Jord was silent for a moment, contemplating this thought. The other two giggled at her look of consternation.

"That is actually a nice idea," she eventually conceded, with a sigh. "Just let me recover from this one first."

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