Chapter 12

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We were on the freeway and I had just finished two subjects. I got out another one and started working.

So far, my day had been really good besides the fact that I just had gotten yelled at by a middle aged woman.

Holy moly she was mean! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel bad for Taylor. Living with that evil brain must drive her CRAZY!

I mean, like I said, Taylor had a chance to be a normal, kind, child. But instead she was raised by the mistress of evil.

Poor Taylor. Her parents must expect so much from her! 

I still didn't understand why Taylor would say I pushed her down the stairs, though. I mean, I thought we were getting along! Well, until she sent me that text.

But she did compliment my outfit at school in front of everyone. But why? 

Right then something hit me. It was so easy to see!

Taylor wanted my friends and I to get in a fight! Taylor said that to me so that Becca and Annie could see us talking and get jealous!

Then she knew they would tell me no and I would get into a big fight with them! OMG! It was all coming together! 

And now that I think about it, when Taylor was complimenting me, I saw her grin at Becca and Annie in an evil way!

I should have never let her get to my head! My friends were telling the truth!

I quickly got out my phone and called Taylor. (I had her number because she gave it to me, but I didn't put that part in here).

It was ringing, and ringing, and ringing. But no answer. Darn! I really wanted to get her back. I had to do something! 

But I didn't know what. Hmm, what would Annie do? (I thought about her because she is the one known for getting sweet revenge on people). 

And then I knew! I knew how to get Taylor back!

I was gonna have to do it Annie style! Prank her!

I was gonna prank Taylor George so bad that she it would knock her brain straight! 

When we got home I had finished pretty much all my work for the day! Yay! Now I had time to FaceTime Brandon! 

I figured maybe calling Annie and Becca, but Becca wasn't very good at this revenge stuff, and Annie and I weren't exactly on speaking terms.

So I called Brandon. We stayed up half the night researching good pranks and ones that are legal, obviously.

We finally found a really good prank at about 1:00am that would knock Taylor out of her 100$ high heels.

Yay! This was going to be so cool! Even though it was just Brandon and I trying to pull this thing off, I was sure Taylor would learn not to mess around with me.

I was also excited to meet Becca in the janitors closet tomorrow. Maybe we would make up! I really hoped so. I mean, Bec and I have been inseparable ever since kindergarten!

Sure we've gotten in a few small fights but nit like this! I miss having girl talk. I miss being able to go to the mall and not worry about being like all the other girls.

Middle school is just so exhausting! I wish I could go back to third grade where you could wear a kitten dress with light up high tops and a barbie sweater and people wouldn't judge you.

But now, everyone has changed. People are so much meaner and annoying now.  It's just exhausting!

But I have a boyfriend now. And I had friends. I think we can make up, though.

We just need a break. So much has happened in the first few days of seventh grade. I got a boyfriend, I became enemies with Taylor George, I got into a huge fight with my BFF's, and I am going on tour in 4 days!

I can't wait! The tour will be awesome! 

Or will it.......?

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