Chapter 2: Pierced (Day 1) Edited

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You woke up after a short and uncomfortable session of sleep to see the sun shining through your window. The rays of light hit your eyes like fire- flames- just waiting to burn down your castle. You let your guard down and allowed the scorching heat to penetrate your lids with courtesy. It wasn't the most pleasant way to wake yourself, but your head wasn't clear enough to jump into a pool of thoughts just yet.

When you sat up, you were met with a terrible image projected on the back of your mind. You recalled the fear that had taken over you the night before. Was that all a dream?

You strained to recall how real your experience actually was. You were sure such an event was rare... You even started to question why you were the one involved in it! Everything was so blurry and foggy, yet you trusted your accelerated memory. Okay, so you were in your room. That was good. But your brain wouldn't let go of the situation that quick. It cycled through all the possible causes and effects until it reached a conclusion.


You scrambled out of your bed, tossing pillows and blankets to your left and right and dashing to reach the door handle that separated you from the hint of freedom that was lingering in the hallway. Ever so strangely, the squeak of the metal sounded like a bell in your ear. Or maybe more like a clock approaching an hour of seldom solitude. You carefully hopped down the old stairs and scuttered into the kitchen slowly. It appeared somewhat peculiar. You reached to switch on the light, meticulously wrapping your hand around the edge of the door frame for balance. When the room became illuminated with artificial rays, you noticed that the tabletop was spotless and your broken cup was nowhere to be found. Did your parents come home early? Where were they?

"Mom?" you called out slightly, shaking, shivering.

Your cold breath decimated into thin air. The lack of a reply only added to the bad feeling in your gut.

You began to call out, "Da-"

"Oh, shut up!"

You turned your entire body around to face a boy that was simply standing in the middle of the hallway. You had never seen him before. His hair was a copper brown, engraved with chocolate and red undertones. His cold, shivering eyes stared at you with a blue, icy perception. The last thing you noticed was his lean body that was stuffed into an over-sized, black crew neck. It was pretty casual for his profession.

Who was he? How did he get inside? Boy, did you want to take off right then and there. It was a shame that your feet wouldn't cooperate. No matter how hard you tried to speak or inch away, frozen shackles held you back. Your eyes searched your surroundings for means of self-defense in case you would ever work up the courage to use them.

"I thought I'd be nice and clean up the kitchen for you," the boy said, hands in his pockets. "There was a lot of glass, and I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

You glanced at the knife block and then back at the intruder.

"I don't know who you are!" you finally screamed. "And why you're in my house!"

In an instant, his face was seconds away from yours and the courage you were holding was gone. You stood in awe and agony as you realized that he had disarmed you and robbed you of every instinct that could save your life.

"Don't act like you don't remember me," he said softly.

It was then that all the memories from the night before, in tremendous detail, took hold in your lucid mind. Your eyes enlarged greater than you ever thought they could as a result. Was this that boy? Were you actually standing face-to-face, breath-to-breath, eye-to-eye with a killer?

Killer Romance [Book 1] [Jeff the Killer x Reader] [JTK]Where stories live. Discover now