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!!read dino before this for it to make sense!!
happy reading my loves <3

it was 8:30am when reece got a facetime request. he was awoken on an average wednesday morning by the loud obnoxious sound of his phone ringtone. he picked it up, and it was his agent, and one of his new best friends, evie. reece had been trying to get a few jobs acting as he was beginning to run low on money.

"bibby! i've got a massive film opportunity for you!"
evie shouted at her phone, looking at the sleepy blonde boy.

"sheesh eve quiet please i just woke up"
reece groaned, ending with a large yawn.

"reece you're flying to los angeles on thursday"
she told him, waiting for his reaction.

he shouted, suddenly waking up, looking at her in disbelief.

"you're gonna be working on a new film.. it's called just to find love, and you rice bibbeh are going to be playing one of the lead characters"
evie laughed at the boy.

"right and what's it about?"
he asked, seemingly intrigued.
he propped his phone up on his bedside table and looked at her.

"a boy called james, played by you, who lives in italy with his parents.. i can't remember the rest but you'll find out reecey"
she said, a thoughtful tone to her voice.

"cheers eve.. i'm leaving thursday.. that gives me two days.. wait no a day.. FUCK"
he shouted, jumping out of bed.

"i've already called the pub and told them, they said it was fine and good luck to you"
she laughed.

"you're actually a lifesaver evie, you don't even know"
reece smiled, sitting back down on his bed.

"i know, i know"
evie smiled, looking at him with a grin.

"are you gonna come with me then? i haven't been to a shoot alone before"
reece asked, hope in his green eyes.

"no reece.. i'm sorry. i'm not allowed because the shoot is at least six months. i've gotta stay in england and work"
she sighed, a slight frown on her face.

"oh shit.. imma miss you evieeee"
he pouted, making the girl giggle. most people would've thought they were a couple, but evie had a girlfriend and reece was.. well reece was just reece. he was properly living the single life. amelie, evie's girlfriend, was also one of reece's closest friends.

"i'm gonna miss you way more reeceyyyy"
she smiled, looking at him through the screen.

"you're gonna come over before i leave right?"
reece asked.

"of course! i've gotta bring you the plane tickets anyway"
evie smiled, brushing some hair out of her face.

"come over tonight?"
he smiled, wanting to see his best friend.

another girl appeared on his phone screen. amelie, evie's girlfriend.
"sure! i'll come over"
she smiled back.

"amelie can come too if she would like to"
reece grinned, looking at the two of them.

"where are we being invited?"
amelie asked, her eyes still half closed, obviously having just woken up, just like reece.

"reece's to celebrate him going to la for a film"
evie said, looking at her with puppy dog eyes, trying to persuade her to come.

"of course i'll come! you don't have to persuade me to go see one of my best mates.. anyway, congrats reecey mate"
amelie said, snuggling up to evie.

"cheers.. i'll see you guys around six?"
reece asked, rubbing his eyes gently.

"sure, see you then!"
evie said.

"i'll cook you dinnerrrrr"
reece giggled.

"ooh sounds yummy!"
amelie smiled.
they spoke for quite a while, until reece hung up the phone to start packing and getting ready for his big trip to los angeles.

reece had a smile on his face the whole morning. he packed his suitcases with clothes and other various items, then grabbed a backpack and put his laptop and a few things to do on the plane on it. he made sure to throw his sketchbook in, with his large pencil case.

at six, the girls arrived at his house. reece opened the door, hugging them both quickly.
he was really looking forward to them coming over. they made him happier when things were tough.

"right ams you look through that suitcase, i'll look through the other"
evie said, pointing at one of the suitcases as she opened the other. amelie nodded and went through the suitcase.

"oi what are you doing?"
reece asked, watching them search through his luggage.

"checking you haven't forgotten anything"
amelie told him, still digging through.

after around ten minutes, they finally decided that reece was all good to go. whilst they were searching, reece started cooking dinner.
it was a noodle stir fry which reece knew both the girls loved. they were his best friends, so they always went over to his apartment and begged him to make it. reece didn't mind, he loved cooking.

they all sat at the table, eating and laughing.
reece was gonna miss them badly, he already knew it. at least they had each other, he wasn't gonna know anyone in los angeles. or so he thought. at the end of the night, evie handed him a plane ticket and a small envelope.

"open the envelope when you miss us too much"
evie smiled, pulling the boy into a tight hug.
amelie wrapped her arms around the two of them.

"fuck i'm gonna miss you guys"
reece frowned.

"we're gonna miss you more"
amelie told him, trying to keep the spirits high.
"well i'll definitely miss your cooking"
she added on with a giggle.

"call me as soon as you land okay?"
evie asked, not letting go of him.

"i will, i promise"
reece nodded.

"there's gonna be someone at the airport to pick you up, they'll have a sign saying reece bibby"
she smiled, pulling away from the hug slowly. she had tears in her eyes.. well all three of them did.

"i'll see you in six months guys"
reece smiled softly, waving them goodbye as they left his small apartment.
this was gonna be a big adventure for him.

are yall happy?
this is gonna have some TEA
you've probably guessed what's gonna happen but shhh don't say anything

this is 1044 words :)

just to find love • breeceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora