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Happy Without Me
[ A & F ]

Mark hated seeing Taeil happy ever since the two of them broke up.

They didn't work together, and although Mark knew that, he missed Taeil.

Mark talked with other people, always trying to move one, but it never felt the same way that it did with Taeil.

Taeil, on the other hand, was able to move on easily. Mark held him down from being himself.

Taeil was a social media addict, always posting pictures of him and his friends on instagram.


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taeilmoon.94 hung out with my favorite people today!! thank you guys for making today great! jeongjaehyun_, johnnyjsuh, kimdoyoungie, fullsun.haechan

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jeongjaehyun_: I love you, bro!

johnnyjsuh: Glad we made today good for you!

Mark saw these kinds of posts on his timeline quite a lot.

He had to admit, he missed Taeil, but he knew Taeil didn't miss him.

He decided to go on a walk to clear his head. It was late at night, so he didn't need to worry about any of his friends seeing him.

He walked down the street, walking into the local park and sat on the bench that was there.

"What are you doing here?" A voice spoke, but Mark didn't bother to look up from his phone, shrugging softly.

"You should probably go back home, it's cold out." The voice spoke again, but Mark still refused to look up.

The owner of the voice sighed before walking away slowly, before turning around when he heard sobs coming from Mark, who was now bent over his knees.

The owner of the voice debated with himself whether he should go back and comfort Mark or if he should walk away.

Eventually, the man walked back to Mark, sitting down and hugging Mark.

"Don't cry, it'll be okay. Taeil might want to talk, you can't give up." The figure said as he hugged Mark tightly.

Mark got a quick look at the man's face, it was Jaehyun, one of Taeil's friends.

Jaehyun walked Mark home, figuring that if he left the younger out by himself, something bad could've happened.

"Taeil, you need to talk to him. He's heart broken, he misses you." Jaehyun said, glaring at Taeil, who wasn't paying attention to anything Jaehyun had to say.

"Moon Taeil, I'm serious!" Jaehyun spoke louder, which seemed to get Taeil's attention.

"Listen, Jaehyun, it's not my fault that him and I just aren't meant to be." Taeil said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Is that the alcohol talking, or is that your heart? Think about that. You love him, and you know that. You keep going out and sleeping with strange men to try to get over him, but you won't ever get over him." Jaehyun said coldly before walking out of Taeil's apartment room and heading to his.

Taeil hated to admit it, but he did miss Mark just a little bit.

He missed the good morning kisses he got from Mark when he woke up.

He missed the times Mark had gone to make breakfast for him.

He missed the surprise dates Mark had planned.

He missed the suddenly gifts Mark would bring home after work.

He missed Mark.

He couldn't sit around and pretend like there wasn't a part of him that was aching to be with Mark again.

The next day, Taeil did what he should have done long before.

He went to Mark's house.

He knew the hours Mark worked, so he went when he knew that the other wasn't working.

Taeil knocked on the door after a few moments, breathing in deeply.

Mark opened the door, his eyes were red and swollen, and the bags under his eyes implied that he hadn't been sleeping.

"Mark.." Taeil whispered when he saw the state that the other was in.

Mark wad shocked to see Taeil at his door, but tried playing it off cool.

Taeil and Mark stood in front of each other for a moment, making eye contact but not a single word coming from their lips.

Suddenly, Taeil threw himself into Mark's arms, hugging the other tightly.

"No matter what I do, my heart aches to be with you. I'm sorry I hurt you, I need you back." Taeil spoke softly, refusing to let Mark go.

Mark hesitantly hugged Taeil back after hearing his words.

"I was so wrong, I shouldn't have left you." Taeil spoke again, this time, he was confident in his words.

"I hated seeing you happy without me." Mark said softly before hugging Taeil a bit tighter.

After this emotional reunion, Mark invited Taeil inside, where they talked things through.

Taeil was scared to ask Mark about his red eyes and dark bags, but he did.

"Mark, why are the bags under your eyes so dark, and why were your eyes so red and swollen when I showed up?" Taeil asked softly, reaching his hand to cup Mark's cheek.

"I haven't been sleeping. I couldn't stop thinking about you, and thinking about how badly I fucked up. It's not a secret at all that I was, and still am, deeply in love with you. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you." Mark said, looking down at his feet, which were hanging off of the bed.

Taeil felt his heart break, his angel hadn't been sleeping because he missed him.

Taeil lifted Mark's chin to look up at him before kissing his lips gently.

"I love you, Mark Lee."


word count; 910
I'm really shocked that I was able to put actual emotions into the words Taeil and Mark spoke to each other! Anyways, I want to write longer one shots, but I'm still debating on it!
Have a nice day, everyone! Please stay safe and healthy!

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