MARK x YUTA [ part 2 ]

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Mark and Yuta were traveling to Japan, finally!

It was a short plane ride, but Mark still fell asleep, his head on Yuta's shoulder.

Once the plane was about to land, Yuta tapped on Mark's shoulder softly.

"Baby, we landed." Yuta said softly, shaking Mark gently.

Mark was by no means a heavy sleeper, and he was awake, but he wanted to see what Yuta would do to wake him up.

"No kisses unless you get up, baby." Yuta said, and Mark shot up immediately.

"I'm up." Mark said, glaring at Yuta as he always threatened the kisses.

The plane landed, and the boys, along with Yuta's parents got off of the plane.

"I hate to break it to you boys, but we're not sure how your aunt will react to your relationship. It's best if we keep it a secret until we can be sure that she'll be okay with it." Yuta mom said, and Mark nodded.

"Okay boys, I called a taxi, I believe that's it!" Yuta's mom continued, pointing to a nearby taxi, which they got into.

While they were driving through the city, Mark couldn't help but stare out the window in amazement.

It was so beautiful, and he already felt as though he wouldn't want to leave.

It was an hour long car ride, but Mark didn't fall asleep like he normally would on long car rides.

He took in every sight that he was able to while driving.

"What're staring at, Markie?" Yuta said, putting his chin on Mark's shoulder.

"The pretty city. It's so nice here." Mark said softly, smiling as he continued to look out of the window.

Yuta held Mark's hand for the rest of the drive, as he wanted to be as close as the two could be.

They soon arrived at Yuta's aunt and uncles home, but unfortunately had to stop holding hands.

They soon settled in, Mark and Yuta got to share a room, but it had two beds.

"Looks like they really don't know.." Mark said, sitting down on one bed, unpacking his clothes and putting them in piles.

"I know, I'm sorry, baby." Yuta said, walking over and kissing Mark's head.

"I have an appointment with a tuxedo tailor tomorrow, so you and I are going to go. We can always go on a walk in the city and go shopping." Yuta said, smiling at Mark.

The two spent the day with Yuta's aunt and uncle.

Mark got to know more about Yuta's family, which was nice.

The day passes quicker than Mark had hoped, but it was time for bed.

Mark laid in his bed, and Yuta laid in his.

Mark couldn't help but stare at Yuta until he eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, Yuta has woken Mark up as they had to leave early in the morning to make the appointment.

Mark got ready, dressing in black jeans and a nice button up, as he didn't want to seem like a hobo.

The two headed out, holding hands the entire way.

The appointment began, and Yuta went back to try one many different tuxedos.

"You here with your friend?" A man asked, walking up next to Mark.

"In a way, I guess." Mark said, not wanting to say anything about the being boyfriends in case this man was aggressive.

"I think you should try some on. You'd look pretty damn hot in one." The man said, but Mark flinched away from him.

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