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Bad Romance
[ A & F ]

"Fuck you!" Mark screamed, his body being thrown to the ground by the taller shoving past him.

"You're accusing me of cheating! Am I suppose to be fucking happy about this?!" Jeno screamed back, going up into their shared bedroom and beginning to pack up his clothes.

Mark pushed himself up and followed Jeno.

"What are you doing?" Mark asked, watching Jeno pack his things from the doorway.

"I'm leaving. I'm sick of being accused of cheating!" Jeno shouted, making sure all of his clothes were packed.

"I'm sorry." Mark whispered, sighing and mentally cursing at himself.

"Sorry for accusing me of cheating?" Jeno said, scoffing softly.

"Yeah, exactly that. What else was I suppose to think? I've recieved multiple messages from my friends saying that you're out with some guy!" Mark said, swallowing hard.

Jeno suddenly turned around and threw a small ring box at Mark.

"You mean the man who was helping pick the perfect engagement ring?" Jeno said softly, but there was still anger in his voice.

Mark felt his heart shattered. "Jeno.. I.." Mark began, but was cut off by Jeno walking closer.

"Mark, don't even start." Jeno said, placing his lips against Mark's.

The two kissed for a few moments.

"Can we forget this happened?" Mark asked softly, and Jeno shook his head.

"No, we need to remember this moment as reference. We need to stop assuming, and stop accusing each other of cheating, and stupid things." Jeno said softly.

Mark nodded, agreeing with the taller.

After a few weeks, the relationship between the two was going smoothly.

That was until Mark was seen at a bar, grinding against another male.

Jeno's friend, Jaemin, had recorded the whole thing.

Jeno was truly heart broken.

The night of that incident, Mark came home drunk out of his mind.

Jeno took care of him.

Jeno made sure that Mark stayed hydrated with water, held his hand and sat next to him when he threw up, and even tucked him to bed.

Knowing that Mark had done that just a few hours before coming home teuly broke Jeno.

Mark wasn't suppose to come home for another hour, and Jeno made up his mind.

He began packing his things, taking all of his clothes.

He had texted Jaemin and said that he would be hanging out at his house for a week or so until he made arrangements to get an apartment.

As Jeno was packing, he heard the front door shut.

Jeno immediately panicked and hid in the closet after turning the bedroom light off, stuffing pillows under the comforter, making it look as if he was sleeping.

Mark came into the bedroom, looking around. "Jeno, baby?"

Mark turned the bedroom light on, and Jeno knew that Mark would see the packed suitcase.

Mark walked over to the suitcase, opening it and seeing all of Jeno's clothes.

"Jeno? Baby? Where are you?" Mark said, leaving the room and searching for Jeno.

Jeno knew that he had to man up and leave.

He walked out of the closet, taking the suitcase and leaving the bedroom.

He felt hands grab his arm, but he ignored them.

"Jeno? What's wrong? Where are you going?" Mark asked, looking at Jeno.

"Ask that man who you were grinding against at the bar the other night." Jeno spat as tears rolled down his cheek, pulling his arm from Mark.

"What are you talking about?" Mark asked, walking closer to Jeno.

"I sat here and took care of you! You lied to me! You promised that nothing happened!" Jeno said, looking at Mark.

"Jeno, nothing happened!" Mark said, tears threatening to spill.

Jeno pulled the video up on his phone, and handed it to Mark.

"Explain that, then."

The two argued, and Mark couldn't hold his tears back.

"I don't remember that happening! I can't live without you, and you know that! This isn't right, you know that I love you!" Mark said, falling to his knees, soft sobs coming from him.

Jeno felt the tears coming again, and he immediately fell to his knees, moving to Mark and hugging him closer.

"Why did you do it?" Jeno asked softly.

"I don't remember it happening. I won't be able to get through my days without you." Mark softly.

The two talked out the situation.

Mark promised that he wouldn't go partying unless Jeno was with him.

After a few months, Mark was able to keep his promise.

The two fought over little things, but were always able to make up.

They were currently on a date at a park.

"Mark?" Jeno spoke softly, looking at Mark.

"Hm?" Mark replied, looking up at his gorgeous boyfriend.

Jeno suddenly got on one knee, looking up at Mark while he pulled out a ring box, opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond engagement ring.

"Mark, I know we've had our ups and downs, but I couldn't imagine my life without you. So, will you make me the happiest man on this earth and marry me?" Jeno said softly, and Mark nodded, hugging Jeno tightly.

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