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Mark and Jaemin are close friends and have been since grade school.

Jaemin had come out as bisexual in 9th grade, but Mark was gay, but hadn't come out.

Jaemin always had a hunch about Mark's sexuality, but never forced him to talk about it.

It was their senior year, and they were still as close ever.

"Mark!" Jaemin called, running up to Mark, who was standing at his locker, putting his books away.

"Oh, hey," Mark said, smiling at Jaemin before going back to focusing on his books.

"Want to come with me to that new café that just opened? I heard that their drinks are pretty good," Jaemin spoke, and Mark nodded.

"Sure, meet at your locker after 9th?" Mark asked, and Jaemin nodded before waving bye and going off to class.

"He doesn't like you, Mark, you're only friends." Mark said to himself, hitting himself in the head a few times before going to his next class.

After 9th period finished, the two boys met at Jaemin's locker.

"Let's go," Mark said, smiling at Jaemin.

That smile soon faded when Jeno walked up to the two.

Jeno and Jaemin had always been flirty with each other, and it scared Mark.

Not because Mark liked Jaemin, but because he was scared that he was going to lose his best friend if they dated.

"Oh, you're joining us?" Mark asked Jeno, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Yeah, I called one of my female friends, too! It can be like a double date!" Jeno said happily, but Mark wasn't so happy.

Mark noticed the wide smile on Jaemin's face, so he gave in.

Mark had to admit, the girl that Jeno had basically set him up with was pretty, but his mind always found its way back to Jaemin.

Mark forced himself to have a good time for Jaemin's sake.

By the end of the night, Jaemin and Mark were walking home together.

"Jeno's nice, I guess." Mark said, breaking the silence.

"Wanna stay at my house? My mom said she misses you and so does Damin," Jaemin spoke, turning to face Mark, who nodded and sent his mom a text.

"What'd you think about that girl? What's her name?" Jaemin asked, shrugging his shoulders softly.

"She's nice, not my type at all." Mark said bluntly, not wanting to lie about the girl.

"You have a type? That's a shocker," Jaemin joked, punching Mark's arm softly.

Mark laughed softly, shaking his head as the two boys walked into Jaemin's house.

Jaemin's little sister, Damin, came running, jumping up and hugging Mark tightly.

"Oppa!" Damin said, smiling as she hugged Mark.

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