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After that moment, Hyunjin refused to talk to Mark or Seonghwa, despite Mark's countless attempts.

"Hyunjin, please just talk to me." Mark said, desperately trying to get Hyunjin's attention.

"What makes you think I want to talk to you? Do you know how badly you hurt me? You basically broke my heart. I was ready to marry you, I had plans on purposing to you when we graduated. But no, Seonghwa had to come along and ruin that." Hyunjin said coldly, not even facing Mark.

"It's not Seonghwa's fault, it's mine. I'm the one who kept hanging out with him after I fell for him." Mark said softly, embarrassed about what he had done.

"Both of you can do me the wonderful favor of fucking off." Hyunjin said, walking off.

This time, Mark didn't follow.

Hyunjin was never a rude person, and the Hyunjin that he knew would never say something like that.

But then again, Mark didn't do much to stop the two from breaking up.

Mark sighed, knowing that he had seriously lost Hyunjin.

Seonghwa was gone for the weekend, so he had no one.

No one except for San, but the two weren't close.

San was just Seonghwas best friend, and he was super sweet, but he was pushing for Mark and Seonghwa to get together.

Seonghwa <3

Hey, I miss you </3
What time are you coming
home on Sunday?

Early morning, I'll be there sooner
than you think :( I miss you too

Okay :( what am I
going to do until then?

I don't know, Honey Bun,
I left some of my Xbox games in
your room, play them :((

Mark sighed, since he missed Seonghwa a lot.

The two were incredibly close, but chose not to be officially for Hyunjin's sake.

Mark wanted to be official with Seonghwa, but Hyunjin would be hurt if they were.

Mark layed on his bed, curled up into a ball.

Eventually, he passed out.

Suddenly, Mark woke up to the smell of smoke.

The house was on fire.

Mark panicked and didn't know what to do.

He knew that he needed to get out, so he grabbed Seonghwas hoodie, xbox games that he had left and the framed photo of Seonghwa that he kept beside his bed.

Mark ran through his bedroom door, but was trapped by the fire.

"Help!" Mark screamed, and a firefighter came running up the stairs, using his fire extinguisher on the flames so Mark could make it out.

After Mark got out of the house, he saw how many people were standing outside of the house.

"Where's my baby?!" Marks mom shouted as she looked through the crowd of people.

"Mom!" Mark said, running to his mom and hugging her tightly.

"My baby! Oh my gosh, you're okay!" Marks mom had been crying because she wasn't able to find him.

The firemen were able to put out the fire, but it took quite some time to do so.

Mark sat and watched them do it.

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