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Stay With Me pt. 2
[ F ]

After everything that had happened, the rest of the members started treating Mark much better than before.

Mark and Taeyong began to grow even closer, even to the point where they would cuddle every night.

"Oh my gosh! Doyoung, come look!" Yuta whisper-shouted, waving Doyoung to look into the room.

Mark and Taeyong were cuddling close, and Doyoung smiled when he saw this.

Mark was still adjusting to everything after being in the hospital. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to be in the dorm, despite being treated normally.

Doyoung and Yuta were taking pictures of the two, giggling softly.

"Theyre so cute!" Doyoung exclaimed, smiling widely at them, and Yuta agreed.

The two decided to let the boys sleep a little longer, waking them up when it was time for breakfast.

Mark wasn't too keen on leaving the bedroom, he preferred staying in there but he went down for breakfast as it made Taeyong happy to see them all getting along.

"Mark, how are you feeling?" Yuta asked softly, smiling at Mark, who was sitting across from him.

Mark smiled a bit before speaking. "I'm good."

Yuta checked in on Mark every day, so Mark was slowly getting use to Yuta being so nice to him.

They all chatted, but Mark stayed quiet, still afraid to talk to them.

Yuta placed his hand on Mark's, as Taeyong wasn't paying too much attention to the fact that Mark wasn't talking.

"You can talk, we won't get mad at you." Yuta said, smiling again before taking his hand away and continuing to eat.

Mark tapped on Taeyong's shoulder, who quickly stopped talking to make sure Mark was okay.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Mark asked softly, feeling like he would be yelled at if he suddenly got up and walked away.

"Of course, bub," Taeyong said, ruffling Mark's hair before he got up and left.

Mark stayed in the bathroom for a good ten minutes, looking at himself in the mirror.

After the incident, everyone was nice to him, even fans.

People would comment on their instagram and tweet at them to make sure Mark was okay.

He wasn't use to it yet, but he knew that he would learn to live with it and get use to it.

"Mark? Are you okay?" Taeyong said from outside of the door.

"Yeah, I'm okay.." Mark said, looking at the door as Taeyong slowly opened the door.

"I just needed a small break from the noise." Mark said softly, looking up at Taeyong, who was now kneeling beside Mark.

"Oh, I was wondering why you were away for so long, and I got scared when you didn't come back down." Taeyong said softly, running his hands through Mark's hair, smiling softly.

"I'm okay, hyung." Mark said, smiling as the two of them made eye contact.

Taeyong leaned in, pressing his lips against Mark's.

Mark was shocked to say the least, but kissed Taeyong back.

"I love you, as more than a band mate and as more than a friend," Taeyong said softly after pulling away from Mark.

"I love you like that, too." Mark said softly, smiling as widely as Taeyong had ever seen.

"Y'all cute or whatever," Doyoung said as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom, a bowl of cereal in his hands.

"Mark, your cereal got super nasty, so I got you more," Doyoung said, setting the bowl on the bathroom counter before walking away.

"They love you, they just never wanted to show it." Taeyong said as he walked Mark out, who had the cereal in his hands.

After finishing the cereal, Mark went to find Doyoung.

Once he found him, Mark smiled widely.

"Hey, Mark, what's u-" Doyoung began, but wad cut off by Mark hugging him tightly.

Doyoung hugged Mark back, squeezing him gently.

"I'm sorry for being so horrible to you," Doyoung said softly, still feeling guilt over the whole situation.

"It's okay, thank you for the cereal," Mark said, smiling at Doyoung before waving at him and leaving.

"He's cute," Doyoung said before going back to what he was doing.

Mark went back to the bedroom and layed on the bed, smiling at the ceiling.

He felt accepted, and that's all he needed and wanted.

word count; 720
I wanted to make a 2 part oneshot and since I love Taeyong a lot, I decided to use him! I hope y'all are staying safe and healthy!

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