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Request by: -NEOCULTURED127

NCT127 were preparing for their comeback, which would have the title track, "Kick It."

Mark was always a hard worker, and wanted his performance in the group to be perfect.

For comebacks, he would stay late three days out of the week for practice.

This comeback was different.

This was their first comeback since Superhuman, and Mark wanted be sure that he worked even harder.

"Mark, you've been working really hard lately, I think you should come back to the dorm with us tonight." Doyoung spoke to Mark, who shrugged.

"I need to make sure it's absolutely perfect, I'll come back soon, I promise." Mark said to Doyoung, smilimg at him before walking to his bag and taking his water bottle from it.

Doyoung and the rest of the members left, leaving Mark at the practice room.

Mark practiced his heart out, and felt quite tired afterwards.

He had promised Doyoung that he would leave soon, so his manager drove him to the dorm.

After almost 3 hours, the members began to get worried about Mark.

"Where is he? He should be home by now." Johnny spoke, looking at the front door.

"Maybe he got distracted?" Taeyong suggested, but his gut told him otherwise.

"We should call him," Yuta began, grabbing his phone before Taeyong's phone rang.

"Hello?" Taeyong answered, but his face said it all.

"Is he okay?!" Taeyong panicked, signalling for the members to gather their stuff.

"We're coming." Taeyong said, hanging up the phone.

"We need to get to the hospital right now." Taeyong said, running to get his shoes and jacket.

The other eight boys made their way to the hospital, running to find Mark's room.

"Mark!" Jaehyun whispered when he saw the state of the other.

Mark was in bandages from head to toe, and had a cast on his leg and arm.

He was currently sleeping as the doctors gave him a sleeping medication to help him relax.

"What happened?" Jungwoo spoke softly, looking at Taeyong, who was the one who had gotten the phone call.

"A car accident, the doctor said Mark's injuries weren't major, and our manager got out with very minor injuries and was sent home." Taeyong spoke, looking at Mark.

Haechan slowly walked up to Mark, sitting in the chair next to the bed, and grabbing Mark's hand.

"We love you, Mark, please wake up soon." Haechan said to Mark, who squeezed his hand.

"Mark!" Haechan basically squealed, looking at Mark to see if his eyes were open, which they were.

"Oh my gosh, thank the heavens you're okay!" Yuta said, walking over and kneeling next to the bed.

"Yeah, we were all so worried about you." Taeil spoke, and everyone agreed.

"I'm okay, mainly due to the pain medication the doctors put me on." Mark said, trying his best to make a harmless joke, but Taeyong didn't find it funny.

"You could have gotten seriously hurt! Maybe even killed! I hate to say it, but you're an idiot. Not only are you overworking yourself, but now you're hurt." Taeyong said, his voice cracking as he began to get emotional.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again. This is a sign that I'm not suppose to stay late after practice. Again, I'm sorry to all of you, and I love you." Mark spoke, looking around the room which was full of people who loved him.

Over the next few months, the rest of the members cared for Mark.

Certain tasks belonged to different members.

Taeyong would help him get dressed im the morning.

Taeil was in charge of getting Mark breakfast.

Johnny was in charge of sitting in the bathroom while Mark showered to make sure nothing bad happened.

Doyoung was in charge of entertainment, meaning whatever kind of entertainment Mark wanted, Doyoung had to provide.

Yuta was in charge of helping Mark brush his teeth every morning and at night.

Jaehyun was in charge of taking Mark anywhere that he wanted, unless it was dangerous.

Jungwoo was in charge of putting Mark to bed at night, and tucking Mark in.

Haechan was there for emotional support, and to clean up after the other members.

The whole group worked together to make sure Mark healed quickly.

Soon enough, Mark was free of his casts, and was able to do things for himself.

Although the other members suggested that they still helped him, Mark was glad to be free from them.

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