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(Camp Casey, South Korea)

"I know you've heard the news," said Jongdae who made a phone called with his brother who were working on the ship. "Yeah, she just called me.. and I honestly didn't see this coming," Seokjin sounded a little overwhelmed.

"So, are you coming home for the preparation?," asked Jongdae, because he knows Seokjin just sailed yesterday, "I'm not sure.. about that,". There's a silence moment for awhile between them, "Commander, you still there?," joked Jongdae.

( US Navy Sasebo, Japan)

"I'm on the ship, Jongdae. my crew needs me," said Seokjin. "I know, but can you please try?," Jongdae asked, and he knows he can't resist the order especially from his older brother, "I'll see how far I can go," Seokjin sighed feeling a little pressured. "How do you think the twin react to this?,"

( NATO AWACS airbase, German,)

"Lieutenant Kim! There's a phone call for you," the man thanked the soldier and took the phone away, " Lieutenant Kim Jongin, speaking,".

"Lieutenant Kim Jongin, this is your brother Kim Seokjin on the line," his tensed body turn to ease when he heard the voice. "Is there something wrong? Do you perhaps miss me?," Jongin asked playfully. "I'm not playing around, Jongin. Have you heard news from Jisoo?,"

When his brother brought up their one and only sister's name on the topic it gave him a little curious, "No, I just finished my job. So, you are my first call for today," said Jongin putting his other hand on his pocket. "What's up with her?,".

"Jisoo is getting married in 3 weeks from now," he lose words, only his mouth that agape. He shake his head a little in disbelief, "What? Getting married!," he shouted and some of the army gave him a look but he don't gave a damn care. "How's that possible?," he asked Seokjin again.

"I don't even know too, I guess we'll figure out when we're home," said Seokjin. Jongin rolled his eyes, "Do you really think taking day off is easy? You and I know it's impossible especially our job," he retorted.

Seokjin doesn't say a word at the end of the line and Jongin knows, his brother was deep inside his thought. "You think we could make it, commander?," he asked his older brother reffered attending the preparation and especially be home with the family before the wedding.

"I know Jongin.. it's hard to tell it now," Seokjin was again in his deep thought. "You know what, let's just try our best and see if we have chance to get home, okay?," suggested Jongin so his brother won't be worried. "Bye commander, I'll talk to Namjoon after this," he hung up and quickly walking to the medical department. He was grateful that he still got his twin near him, on the same base.

"Dr. Nayeon.. have you seen my brother?," he asked one of his twin mate as he saw Namjoon wasn't in his room. "He is in the pharmacy room," she pointed to the direction. Jongin nodded and said a quick, "Thanks,".

As he stepped inside the room, he saw Namjoon was sitting at the corner while burying his face to his palm, "All good Joonie?," he asked with a loud voice, making Namjoon jolted on his seat.

He gave Jongin a glare, "You startled me,". Jongin felt proud a little, the smirked on his face say it all, how he enjoys his twin reaction. "Good to see you too, Namjoon. What's up with you?," he asked with a little bit sarcasm.

Namjoon was used with it, so he just gave him the answer he want to hear, "Jisoo called me.. and," Jongin cut him off, "She's getting married. Yeah, Seokjin hyung called me about it too,". Namjoon sighed and take off his spectacles, "I can't believe this.. Jongin,"

"Well neither do I, I mean it's so sudden.. We don't even know when she had a boyfriend and now.. out of the blue, she want to get married," Jongin sat in front of his twin and look at him in the eyes. " Do you think Jisoo lied to us, so, she can gathered all of us because we haven't back for almost 3 years?,"

"I don't think so, Jongin..,"

"Hey, Namjoon," he called out to his twin, "What?," he sounded a little annoyed as he groaned. "We're in the same base, but I haven't talked with you for so long,". Namjoon smirked, "I miss you too, Jongin," he retorted as he know that his twin, Jongin is bad when expressing his feeling.

"We're good now?," Jongin pull out his hand for a handshake which Namjoon gladly took it but end up Jongin pull him for a hug. Jongin still feel bad for what he had done, but he doesn't know how to say it in words for a proper apology.

"Let's go to the head office and see if we can go home around next week,".


Jisoo went to the living room and stared at their family photo which was hanging on the wall. "Mom.. I wish you were here," she whispered as she silently shed a tear. "Kim Jisoo?,"

She straighten her back and wiped away her tears before  turn her back to the person,  "Dad.. you haven't sleep yet?,". Mr. Kim stand still for awhile as he noticed her nose were red and a teary eyes. "Don't tell me you cried, cadet,"

Her body was stiffened when she heard that from her father, "No sir,".  Mr. Kim nodded his head  "Good," he said to her before made a way to the stairs.

"Sir, there's something I need to tell you..," Jisoo sounds a little hesitated. "What is it now?," her dad voice was still in cold tone, growing up with 4 brothers, Jisoo realised being the only daughter isn't a good memory.

People thought she got the favoritism from her dad, but it was the other way around, She was the least favourite especially when she told her father that she doesn't want to served in the army because she didn't want to be like one of them. "I'm going to get married.. and it's 3 weeks from now,"

Mr. Kim remain emotionless, "Well, that's a good thing if Park Jimin finally purpose to you..," he turns his back to the stairs. "Dad.. it's not Jimin,".

His eyebrows narrowed, "Then, who is this guy? Do I know him? Which base does he work for?," he asked. "Dad.. he's not in military but he's just a police officer,". He gave her a long stare of silence, "I won't say a word until your brothers get home,".

How she wish her mother was still alive.


(your opinion so far?)

vsoo fiction is coming soon but I got 8 on going stories now.. so, I- um...

anyway, stay at home and stay safe everyone!

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anyway, stay at home and stay safe everyone!

anyway, stay at home and stay safe everyone!

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