We're Good

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The next month was a weird blur. The boys who had beaten Evan up at school were expelled, and no one else really bothered them, though whispers followed them everywhere they went. At some point, Jared and Alana had started eating lunch with them, but none of them really spoke, just ate in a comfortable silence.

Evan and Connor spent a lot of time at Evan's house. They only went to Connor's place when his dad was away on business. They even had dinner there with Cynthia, Zoe and Heidi a few times.

Larry had barely spoken to Connor since that night. He avoided eye contact and refused to be alone with him. As much as he and his father argued, as much as Connor hated him sometimes, he still felt his heart hurting every time his father walked away without speaking to him. He wasn't sure what was going through his father's head, but it was almost worse than the screaming matches they had.

There was so much Connor still hadn't confided in Evan. He wasn't trying to keep secrets, but he just wasn't ready to open up about certain things yet. Evan never pushed too hard. He knew how difficult it was for Connor to lay himself out there.

Connor was contemplating this, among other things, as they lay under their tree one day after school. The park was quiet. Snow was in the forecast for the following week, but today, it was an unusually warm February afternoon, the sun bright. Connor was leaning back against the tree, eyes closed, Evan's head in his lap.

"Connor Murphy?"

Connor's eyes snapped open. The color drained from his face. Evan sat up, frowning at the boy before them.


Evan turned to Connor, startled. Connor knew this boy? He looked from Connor to the stranger before him and back. Connor scrambled to his feet, avoiding Evan's eyes. Evan stood, saying nothing, just watching.

"It's good to see you, man," Miguel finally said after a few moments of awkward silence.

Connor only nodded, not trusting his voice to say anything else. He throat was so dry, his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. He tried to swallow a few times.

Miguel's eyes traveled down, watching Connor's hands as he nervously fiddled with his bracelets beneath his sweatshirt. Miguel looked up, staring hard at Connor, a knowing look in his eyes.

Connor shook his head, almost imperceptibly, his eyes begging Miguel not to say anything in front of Evan.

Miguel's expression grew hard, but he nodded. "See you around." He turned on his heel and left.

Connor watched him go. He felt Evan's questioning eyes on him, but refused to look at him.

Connor didn't know what to say, so he just sat back down beneath the tree and patted his lap for Evan to join him. Evan sat beside him. He didn't ask questions, but he avoided touching Connor.

It wasn't until after Connor had walked Evan home, and was making his way back to his house, that his phone beeped with a text.

Our spot, one hour.


Connor was staring at the lake when he felt the bench shake, indicting Miguel had sat beside him.

"Haven't seen you around in awhile."

Connor shrugged. "I couldn't face you after..."

Miguel was silent for a long time. "Well, it looks like you've moved on, huh?"

"Miguel, I'm-"

"No, don't apologize. I was your first - whatever we were. I guess it makes sense."

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