Get out!

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Its been a month already since that hospital ordeal, Shravan was holding up good with the situation. His work and trying to investigate on Suman's case. He had failed to gather any information. Police was not cooperative with him and he was kind of held up by some people. He suspected some of them for hiding things from him.

On the health side, he was still sleep deprived. He used to get nightmares of her dying in front of his eyes. Sometimes her asking him for justice. He got not sleep even if he wants to. Ramnath was very worried about him and he could sense Shravan's unease around the family especially Tiwariji. Thus the first opportunity he got to send Shravan away he grabbed.

A day ago when he was in office, a phone call came giving him that opportunity. He got a call from his old friend asking him for help in a case.

"Hello! Ramnath Malhotra?"

"Yes, speaking. Who's this?"

"Lalit Arora. Though you might not remember but I do Tiffin thief Malhotra."

"Lalit? Tiffin thief? Chandigarh Public School?" Ramnath was confused and kind of elated too.


"Oh God Lalit. After so much of time. Its been decades and you still call me thief. I am big lawyer now. "

"I know that is why called you for help."

"What happened you sound worried?"

"Actually, my daughter in law works in the Finance Department of Elegant Fashion House in Greater Noida. She has been accused of breaking her terms of contract which she didn't. They accuse her of selling their designs to other competitors. Its a big company here. Lawyers are afraid of taking up the case. Please help me."

"My son would take your case. He is the current best in Delhi. He will definitely win this case."

"That would be great. Thank you so much. I don't know how I will pay you back."
And this gave Ramnath the most wanted opportunity. He would send him there and make him meet a psychiatrist there only. If Shravan was stubborn his father was one step ahead.

"By helping me."


"I will send Shravan to your place for the case. But you have to keep him there. He is suffering and I think living with another family might help him. Someone who doesn't know his past."

"Don't worry if my grand daughter liked him, she won't let him leave."

"Grand daughter? How old are you?"

"Oh shut up I'm still as young as I was in school. By the way I have my younger son, daughter and daughter in law and that little devil only. My small lovely family. "

"Elder son?"

" Arjun martyred."


"Even Rajat my younger son is in Army. He is on holiday for a week here."

"When do I send Shravan then?"



"Thank you again, Ramnath."

"Just don't worry about the case. Shravan never loses one."


Shravan was in his room after dinner looking intently at his laptop. He was so lost that he didn't notice his father until he kept his hand on his head.

"Papa?" He asked as soon as he saw him.

"Do you have any case or dates lined up?" He wanted to confirm if Shravan had any potential excuse to his plan.

"No, not this week at least."
Foolproof plan then.

"Good then. Take up this case which came to me."

"Okay. You just give me the file. I'll handle."

"Shravan, its a case of my school friend's daughter in law. She has been accused of stealing and selling design to competitors of the company she works in."

"I told you Papa. Just give me the file."

"I don't have. You have to get it from him. He lives in Greater Noida and yeah you will live there till the case."

"What? No I won't."

"You would have to anyway. You would have to fight the case in Uttar Pradesh not New Delhi. And on top of that he wanted me there but I could not. Go there on my behalf."

"But Papa!"

"No buts and ifs. You're going that's final. Just pack your bags."


In the Shravan had packed a small bag enough for the week. He wanted try one last time.

"Papa please. I don't want to. I cannot adjust with new people and new place so easily and you are sending me like that...."

"Go Shravan!" Ramnath was not ready to hear anything.


"Get out!"

A/n- I'm so overwhelmed by all the comments I received and my thirst to make this more confusing and suspenseful is increasing so beware. But now I promise no killing at least of characters you love. Who is Suman? Sumo or someone else? She herself will tell but let Shravan confront her first. And special mention to @DhanashreeParab I'm really glad my story turned you from silent reader to participative one. Welcome to the Party dear. And yeah I appreciate your eye.


In the World of Confusion - A Shraman Story [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now