Accidentally or not

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Shravan was running late today for the hearing of Mrs Arora's case. He skipped having proper bath and replaced with a quick shower. He was finally ready to go when Pihu brought Moong dal ka halwa to wish him luck. He teased her for wanting a quick rid of him. And she came with a curt reply "I want my Bhabhi rid of this case."

Shravan and Pihu have gotten close in these few days. There was frank and friendly bond that developed but Shravan had inhibitions towards her because her eyes still haunted him with unknown feeling. Bless her specs, contact was seldom direct. But today when he teased her he felt as if she was sad. As if there was a "not you" unsaid in her reply.

On the other hand Suman was still stiff around Shravan and wanted least bit of contact between them. While seeing him struggling at nights with case file of an old case of Suman Tiwari she felt guilty. Her guilt never made it easy for her to deal him as he was her lawyer. Unknown to her, a secret that she had been holding in herself was going out today.

The court was full of hustle bustle as Shravan along with Suman, Pihu and Mr Arora went to their allotted court room. Suman saw Amrit already inside and her face grimaced. He got upset quickly seeing her reaction to him. He found hatred and anger while a little fear. Which lover would like such expression on face of their beloved! But he was none the wiser. He mistook it as a sign of rejection and determined himself to win case against her. His anger overpowered and he took it to himself for destroying her today.

The court procedure began and quickly enough Shravan had the case in his hand. Just when Shravan was going to show the court the forgery of the company HR head who was jealous of success of Suman over the photographs that Amrit had on his computer, Amrit changed the whole direction of the case.

"My Lord, I'm sorry to be disgraceful towards a lady in the court but this woman here have a criminal record on her name. She had stolen jewellery worth one lakh from the house of her foster parents. If she can be such at the age of sixteen then why not at age of twenty six."

Shravan was shocked. He did not have a counter because he lacked information. Suman was asked many questions but she didn't answer but after a lots of frivolous poking she out bursted. 

"Yes! Its true that I stole that jewellery. I was also sent to juvenile Home. But neither then nor now anyone cared why I did so." She breathed. The judge asked her to continue.

"Mr and Mrs Ahuja were my foster parents. They got me when I was 10 years old from the orphanage. Mr Ahuja's brother, my foster uncle had lusted me forever. I was sixteen when he sent my parents to on a vacation and took me home with him. His touches and looks have always made me uncomfortable but I was no more a child then. I ran away at the first opportunity. I ran to my home but knew he would come there so took some jewellery from my mother's room and ran off. Police caught me after three days. I was sent to juvenile home by the magistrate."

Because the hearing started at 3 it was soon time for adjournment but the judge  asked Shravan and Amrit both to come with solid arguments and evidence and not to interpret someone's past without complete information.

As all exited the court, Suman asked to be left alone and everyone let her. She was roaming in the corridors when a hand caught her hand and pulled her in to a lawyer's chamber. Whose? Amrit's.

She looked at him with so much hatred that she slapped him. He tried saying something but she turned to leave.

"I didn't do that to hurt you so much. It came out accidentally."

"Accidentally or not its already done, Mr Shekhawat. I always took you to be an amazing personality. But today you lost all respect in my eyes."

"You're right. Accidentally or not. I hurt the person I love the most." He finally said it but accidentally or not no one heard. She was gone.

A/n:- Long time no see. How are you my dear folks? How did you like the chapter? Brace yourself by the way, the story is going to be fast now. Enjoy my lovelies.


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