Suman not Sumo

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Shravan was prepared for the next hearing but one thing was still left. He wanted to know if there was another secret that Amrit can use against her in court. It felt too invading to ask about a woman's personal life but he needed to know to at least defend her. So he decided to meet her unaware a very heartbreaking secret was going to unveil today.

"Mrs Arora, we need to talk." He said giving a heart attack to Suman. Only one thought running in her mind, does he know?.

"About what?"

"The case."

"Okay. Where?"

"In your room please I need to ask some private questions."

"Umm okay." But this time she was sure either he knows or was going to ask. They together went in her room and there he saw the picture. A small happy family.

"What is it?"

"I.. I.. I.. kind of wanted to know about your past. If there anything more that I should know which Lawyer Shekhawat can use against you."

"I don't think but you need to know something."

"What is it about? You look nervous."

"Its about you not me."


"Sit first listen calmly."

"Go ahead"

"I saw you crying that night on terrace and talking to stars addressing them as Sumo."

"Look Mrs Arora it very personal to me so you better not interfere in my past."

"Even I was a part of your past, you just don't know."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. It was Suman not Sumo. "

"What do you mean?"

"You're still the same. Impatient."


"I was your neighbour. My room's window was just opposite to your parents. Most of the times I've seen them fighting and you at the entrance crying. Mr. Malhotra I've seen Shravan breaking in front of my eyes everyday. "

"Oh God! I don't know what to say. Continue."

"Mr Malhotra, I heard you and your father that day when he asked you to go to London. I thought that would be perfect for you if you leave the country. You would not be anymore hurt and broken because of your parents so.."

"What did you do? I know you did something so don't just stand there with fallen head I need answers."

"I met Sumo that day in Badminton club at school. I told her about your father's idea and she also thought that her words not mine " it would be perfect if he leaves, I can't see my Chashmish breaking everyday ". I really didn't know she would do that and honestly I meant well of you. I really felt bad for you when I saw what she did the next day. I have also seen her breaking down in front of everyone when you left. She cried uncontrollably and those selfish people left her alone."

"Just leave me alone."


"You hurt my Sumo. Because of you she is not alive today. I will never forgive you."

With those words he left her room and went to terrace. He sat down in a corner on left so that anyone who comes up can't see him. He sat there looking at the stars knowing one of them is his Sumo. She had been the pole star of his life and now she was lost. He was lost. Today he knew why she hurt him and that day it was her more hurt than him. It must have clenched her heart to hurt him. Why did he not think of it before?

On the other hand was Suman crying at her deeds in her room. She meant well of him no doubt but Suman, Sumo and Shravan all were kids mere 16-17 years immature teenagers who only know one thing 'do anything to keep your best friend happy' and they did.  Pihu was asking for her Bhabhi to the house help and when she knew she moved towards her room Calling her. She was excited to her new job of match making.

When she reached her room she saw her crying but when she got to know the reasons,  He knows, she was shocked as if her heart was hurting for him today. She ran off to his room but couldn't find him there so went to terrace. She saw him sitting in a corner hiding his head in between his knees and his shoulders were shaking as he cried.

"Mr. Lawyer!"

"Go away please." He pleaded instead of his usual angry tone.

"I will go away. But then you will regret."

"I won't regret."

"Don't be so sure Shravan. You know it better because you regret not listening her that day when she was running behind your cab."

"How do.."


"Hmm, you're right I regret. After all I killed her." She looked at him in horror and screamed.

"Shravan!" He was shocked as well and pulled his head out of his knees. She doesn't call him by name. He saw her getting up. She was leaving but not before telling him.

"Shravan whatever happened that day changed many lives but know one thing always. You did not kill her because she is alive. " She left.

A/n- How's it? So back to back two revelations. Shravan is broken. Hearing is next day and most important He is coming. Who? ASR aur kaun! Hahaha ! Who else is waiting for his entry? Some new twists are awaited.


In the World of Confusion - A Shraman Story [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now