Oh! I didn't know that

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Shravan and Pihu went to his car and he pulled into drive way. Shravan was curious as to why would Pihu spy on him. He was considering the questions to be asked to Pihu and Mrs Arora when Pihu broke the silence.

"You must be thinking why would I follow you, right?" She wanted to clarify so he wouldn't let his brain turbine go fast on her.

"Actually yes. Why this spying and all?"

"Simple, Mr Lawyer! I need to assured my Bhabhi's case is in safe hands also to know who you are." She muttered the last part to herself. She had been curious about him since he came.

"What did you mutter in the end?" He was sure he heard something like knowing him.

"Nothing. See me spying on you can help you now."

"Why and How?"

"Is your Oxford degree fake or what?"

"What do mean? And how do you know about my educational qualification? Are you stalking me as well?"

"Oh that just a quick background check. One has to know the lawyer they are hiring." She was stuttering which put Shravan suspicious on her.

"You are something else. You are not what you look like."

"Umm no yea I mean no you are wrong. I'm like crystal totally clear."

"Right." She can hear the sarcasm dripping.

"Look the main point here is that Shekhawat not me."

"What about him? I'll have to handle him my way. Don't get in middle okay."

"Mr Lawyer you can't do anything here with that good for nothing brain of yours. Its matter of love and heart okay."

"So are you going to do some setting of that Shekhawat with your Bhabhi?" He laughed at the crazy idea.

"Yeah! I will. I like that guy. He is such a good choice for her." Now this shocked Shravan too much.

"What the hell? She is your Bhabhi. Your brother's wife. How could you want her to be with her lover?"

"Look Shravan try to understand the situation logically without putting emotions here. I loved my brother very much okay and even Bhabhi did. We all have been grieving his death especially Bhabhi but that doesn't mean she have to live all her life grieving. For the love of God she is just 29 and Amaya she is just four that too almost. Don't you think she deserves a father figure in her life."

"Oh I didn't know that."


"That your brother...."

"He martyred during an operation in Jharkhand.

" But how can you be so sure about the Shekhawat. What if he is not good for Mrs Arora? "

"Can't you call her Suman simply." She said knowing she was going to hit a spot if her suspicions were in right direction.

"No" He said in a firm voice.

"Why?" She asked hitting the nerve.

"Personal reason" he said looking at the road.

"Do you like her? Oh my God! Where did my Bhabhi got stuck two two one sided lovers? " she did that so he would be exasperated and might say the real reason. Old trick.

"Shut up. Its not that. Stupid girl. Never say that again. Personal reason is related to the name not person."

"Sumo" she muttered slowly. Her last weapon and it did the job. He suddenly put breaks and car stopped with a screech. He was shouting, while she was recovering.

"What? What did you just say?"

"You became a Sumo wrestler all on me for such a small joke." She did the damage control by whispering in a scared manner.

"Keep quite now."

He restarted and went on driving while she kept looking at him.

So you are Shravan. The Chashmish. I'm glad you're here. Now I'll tell you where she is. Sumo has waited so long for you but not now. Now there will be justice and I don't even know how Nanu is. He must also be waiting. I hope he has not lost his hopes.


In the World of Confusion - A Shraman Story [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now