When they are drunk

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Jay- falls asleep. Then wakes up. Blabbers on for a bit. Then goes back to sleep. This goes on for about 5 hours.

Kai- sets fire to lots of things because he thinks it looks pretty. If there's alcohol out, Nya needs to dampen everything first.

Zane- is really flirty. Won't leave Pixal alone. Most of the time she likes it but occasionally will ask Nya to blast Zane with some water.

Nya- uses everything as a weapon. Will literally grab a bag of marshmallows and find a way to make it dangerous.

Lloyd- constantly runs into walls at full speed. His favourite one is the blue kitchen wall. Which now has a huge dent in it.

Cole- starts being depressing. Goes on and on about 'nobody exists on purpose.' And 'everyone is here for a reason.' And 'we're all gonna die'. (See the R+M reference?)

Pixal- has never gotten drunk. Has tried alcohol once but immediately spat it out. The only reason she tried it was because of Kai's pretty pleases with a cherry on top.

Wu- one time, he got drunk and threw a party whilst the others were on a mission. When they got back, they though Wu was having some sort of midlife crisis!!

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