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Lights are on and they are all about to watch a movie.

Jay- tells Zane to go turn them off

Zane- gets up and turns them off

Cole- goes as slowly as possible until Zane gets annoyed and turns them off for him.

Lloyd- fakes leg injury

Nya- threatens to kiss Jay is Kai doesn't turn them off

Pixal- gets up and turns them off


Picking a movie betwee them all

Jay- rock, paper, clip.

Zane- Just goes with whatever Pixal wants.

Cole- eenie meenie minee mo.

Lloyd- hides other films while the others are in the kitchen.

Nya- gets Kai and Jay on her side so she usually outnumbers the others

Pixal- guilt-trips the others

Kai- four words. Battle to the death.

One pizza slice left

Jay- puts his hand on it so no one else wants it

Zane- cuts it into equal pieces

Cole- takes its while no one is looking and blames Jay.

Lloyd- throws away pizza so it's equal.

Nya- takes it and threatens to fight whoever gets angry.

Pixal- just lets the others eat it.

Kai- licks the pizza so no one else wants it.

Someone tells them their S/O is cheating on them

Jay- believes it and looks through Nya's phone.

Zane- refuses to listen and tells whoever told them that to go away. The thought is still in his head though

Cole- calls them crazy and tells Selial about what he was told. Checks her face for any sign of worry or surprise.

Lloyd- stays an extra few days in the never realm in secret to see if Akita is cheating on him.

Nya- threatens the person who told her that with a spear since she knows Jay would never hurt her.

Pixal- instantly know it isn't true since Zane's systems can only allow him to show affection to one droid.

Kai- purchases a whole security kit and spy's on Skylor for a week before concluding she's not cheating on him.

Being followed

Jay- makes a bunch of crazy turns and if the person is still following him, he makes a run for it and does roof parkour so they won't follow him.

Zane- stands perfectly still or stays at a cafe all day until the person gets bored and goes home.

Cole- offers then some of his pasta

Lloyd- turns around to go the other way and if the stalker does too, he keeps on doing it until the guys is so dizzy that Lloyd can get away

Nya- when she's sure they are stalking her, she 'accidentally' trips them up a few times

Pixal- if someone is following her, she just walks home to the monastery. She climbs the mountain instead of taking the steps and the person stops following her after a while

Kai- goes into an alleyway and if the stalker follows him, he starts to stalk the stalker.

Favourite store closes early

Jay- looks around to see if there is a side entrance he can take

Zane- comes back the next day

Cole- camps out all night.

Lloyd- gets angry, kicks stuff over, breaks his toe, Kai takes him to the hospital.

Nya- leaves a threatening letter of complaint

Pixal- goes to a different store and doesn't go back to that one for a week.

Kai- big rock.

Someone hurts their S/O

Jay- finds them and puts them in hospital

Zane- permanently paralysed their legs

Cole- puts a disease in his cake and leaves it at their door. But they never eat it because just the smell of it knocks them out.

Lloyd- ties them to a board and blindly throws weapons and swords at them. Only just misses on purpose to scare them.

Nya- kills whoever hurt Jay. (depending on how badly he was hurt)

Pixal- finds who hurt Zane and never lets them live in peace. She dives them to insanity.

Kai- ties them to a chair and forces them to watch every 5-minutes craft video ever uploaded.

That's probably enough for now.

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