Cute things they do as a couple

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Jaya- when watching a movie, Nya will sometimes declare a tickle war at random and will always win.

Kailor- Kai and Skylor have a shared account for each social media they have. On Insta they post pics of them doing cute couple stuff, on YouTube they do those BF vs GF challenges and on TikTok (Ugh I hate TikTok) they are a huge TikTok couple.

Pixane- they. Hug. All. Of. The. Time!! Seriously, if just one of them gets into a hug-y mood, they are inseparable for the next hour.

Lloykita- When they see eachother, Lloyd and Akita sit in the carpet and Lloyd strokes Akita's fur until one of the others brings them food. Then Akita will lick Lloyd's face for a few seconds.

Coliel- throw small bits of food into eachothers mouth. They have been doing it for years and are AMAZING at it. Selial would literally shout "heads up!" From across the room and Cole would catch it without even taking his eyes off his phone.

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