Letters and Scrolls

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I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday! I had sooooooooooooo much homework! Thanks for bearing with me you guys!! Thanks for all of the support too, it's amazing!


"Whenever you're ready," He whispered. Sophie closed the gap and touched her lips to his. But they were interrupted after a second when something hard hit Sophie in the back. She yelped in pain as she twisted out of Keefe's touch.

Light began to change and dance around the two. And then something odd happened. Sophie's leggings and shirt morphed into an old, worn, dress that looked like peasant attire from a fairytale while Keefe's clothing changed into princely velvets.

Just before the light completely enveloped them, Sophie saw what had hit her in the back: a book. On the cover was a girl in a dazzling ballgown. She recognized it as a book she had read recently about a prince falling in love with a peasant girl in a dystopian society.

It was called The Selection. And as Sophie realized what had happened from the glow of teal eyes, all she could do was whisper, "Uh Oh."


I had so much fun during my stay, K, I can't wait to see you soon! Love, Cassandra xoxo

It was a letter to him from "Cassandra."

This was really odd, he obviously had his real name, she referred to him as "K", so, why didn't Biana? Maybe it was a quirk of the creation?

"Logan, Prince Klove?" The maid outside his door called again.

His door.

Keefe's heart dropped in his chest.

Something had gone wrong when Sophie's mind created this place.

"I'll be out in a second!" Keefe responded.

He raked his hand through his hair in dismay and worry.

How was he going to find the girl he loved?

Sophie wasn't Sophie.

Because the "K" stood for Klove


Willow sighed as she finally finished sweeping the floor. That morning had been long and she was so glad that she was done cleaning and could read a book. An old, torn, book for that matter, but a book nonetheless. 

In Eterniale, the kingdom Willow lived in, there was a caste system. Meaning that each family had a social ranking on a scale of one to eight, one was the best, one was royalty. Willow and her family were fives so although their lives were hard, they didn't have the worst of it. 

Everyone always told Willow that she would easily be able to marry into a higher caste. She had a lovely, delicate figure and billowing hair. They said as long as she was kind and helpful she would be picked up by a four, maybe even a three. But Willow didn't want to just be kind and helpful she was a smart, outgoing young woman, and besides, she had already found the love of her life.

Hearing commotion from outside, Willow walked over to the window, there she saw a parade of girls skipping through the street to a large building. Willow rolled her eyes, mentally cursing the selection.

It was royal tradition that when the prince-to-be-king turned eighteen the royal family held a selection. Thirty five girls, one from each province would be selected randomly to travel to the palace and compete for the prince's heart. Willow though it was stupid, the spoiled prince who had everything he wanted got to have thirty five gorgeous girls parading around the castle, all of them head over heals for him. 

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