Chapter 1

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Authors note: Hey there, thank you for clicking on this story in whatever way you have found it. This is my first story, and I'm just writing for fun, but I would love for you to comment and say what you think of the story what you would like to happen in further chapters. Thank you.
Enjoy and Happy reading! :)

In the beginning there was nothing and in the end, there was nothing. Some things never change. You can't create something from nothing, it's just not possible...unless you're God, but unfortunately I am not. So, I have come to the conclusion I will never be someone.

I sit here, crouched in the corner of my room. The droplets of water outside my window competing with one another to get to the bottom of the glass. The soothing sound of the water calm my nerves from my hectic life to come.
I wasn't always like this, anxious. I used to be a care free soul, with happily married parents living with my 3 sibling: Elijah (14 years old), Kara (9 years old) and Noah (5 years old).
But things change. The world changes. Time passes.
A few days after my 15th birthday, my parents (Brian and Avery Harris) went to drop some family off to the airport. Living in Los Angeles, many of my friends were keen on having a quinceañera and because my birthday being one of the last in the year my mother was persistent on it being spectacular. Long story short, it was even better than I imagined. We danced till our feet hurt and it was purely magical.
Dropping family off to the airport to catch their flight to New York, my parents were in their way home when they were crashed into. My mother died on impact but my father was taken to hospital. He went into a coma and woke up 3 weeks later, but his health deteriorated and he died later that August.
Life was difficult for us kids. We were taken care of by our grandmother, but she made it clear to us after our parents died that we were not welcome. She handed us over to the services where they put us into a children's care home. Living there wasn't bad but it wasn't the life we wished for. As soon as I turned 18 I was no longer allowed to live there, I had to survive with no money. Finding work was not easy either. I had school to finish, I wanted a good future for myself just how my parents wanted for their children, but the world had other plans.
My job could not support myself, pay the bills and keep me at school. So I had to drop out of school and get a proper job with the limited qualifications that I had.
Eventually I had to slow down on paying rent because of the minuscule invention that was my pay check. Which leads me up to now. Me sitting alone in my freezing flat until the services come to chuck me out.

"I'm sorry Mum and Dad, I'm sorry I let you down" I thought.

I firm knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts. "Open up Keira Harris".

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