Chapter 6

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Happy reading <3
Keira's POV:

I really don't know what to think. My mind is spinning. How did I even get involved in this? My parents are dead, my brothers and sister in a children's home and me an ex homeless person (for now anyways).
"Look. I know you're shocked and all but can we please speed this process up? I have things to do, places to be" the man in front of me said rudely.
How dare he speak to me like that. He may have just kidnapped me,of which he had no right, and now he told me to speed this up. He just told me I'm now in the bloody mafia! How do I even process that. This man is delusional, I thought.
"And you are?" I asked, my voice bolder than before.
Looking a bit more shocked than before , he recovered with a smirk. "I'm Antonio Diaz, but don't worry about that. You surprised me, I didn't think I would be in for this when I came in." he cleared his throat, "th..the ma..mafia??" he mimicked me. "I thought you were going to be this shy damsel who wasn't going to talk to anyone... I guess not."
"Well excuse me for being surprised this dodgy gang kidnapped me, threatened me with a knife until I give them something I don't even know of, then the mafia comes, captures me and takes me to there hideout!" I exclaim irritated by his audacity.
"I... wait" he said slowly. " You seriously don't know. Like you had no clue about any gangs or the mafia?" he asked me stunned by my words.
"Obviously! For someone in the mafia you are awfully stupid."
That stopped him on his way out the door. He turned around enraged by my words. I didn't even think I did that much damage.
"Look here Keira. I don't know who you think you are talking back to me. Sure you might have got some confidence back, but don't you think for one second that your words or actions don't have consequences! I have a reputation, that you don't know about, but trust me you really don't want to know."
I don't know what I was thinking. This guy, although he seems like an arrogant arse is dangerous. Multiple scars on his face and arms are visible to me but covered by tattoos. I can't imagine what he has done to get them, let alone he many more he may have that I can't see.
I hear him leave the room as he door clicks in place behind him. The lock turns and a key is pulled out. I can hear his footsteps get quieter as they continue into the distance.
Must be a long hallway.
I lie back down on the bed, thinking about how my life turned out to be like this, but I suddenly remembered, my bag. The only stuff I have to remind me of my family, and the little money they left me.
I jolted out of bed full of energy. I rummaged through the drawers full of clothes for God knows who. I look in the closet, and even the bathroom, but no luck finding my bag.
I start to feel dizzy, most of that energy from the adrenaline my body supplied me with. Eating little to nothing in the past 2-3 days hasn't helped.
I fell to the floor, and fainted on a surprisingly comfortable rug.

Authors note: A bit of a lame cliffhanger but I tried. What did we think? We got a better picture of Keira's character this time, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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