Chapter 3

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I hear muffled voices in the distance. I try to open my eyes but it's like they are sewn shut. I attempt to move my arm but the are tied at my wrists. I struggle to move, cuts and rope burn already forming. My pounding head not helping me understand what happened to me.
A loud crash sends me out of my thoughts, almost waking me, but my fake slumber only looking real because of my closed eyes.
"She's still asleep. Boss really is going to loose it if she isn't ready to see him." A voice said.
"Well you shouldn't have hit her that hard, she might be unconscious for ages, it's already been 7 hours". he said as they left the room.
I've been unconscious for 7 hours! I've probably got the biggest gash on my head from that idiot hitting me with a bat.
Wait. Where is my stuff? I don't care about the extra clothes but my only picture of my family is in there.
I try to open my eyes again. They slowly open but I am surprised by waking up on a wooden chair in a room with no windows. The walks black with the only escape being the metal door, and by the sound of the voices outside, it is guarded. Why am I guarded? Not like I'm someone important or special.
I need to get out of here, this must be some sort of a mistake. What are they going to do to me, where have they even taken me?
A key rattles in the lock on the door, it must have been at least an hour or more since those people came in last.
He door opens with a slight squeak, it needs to be oiled, and a tall, broad man steps through it.
The man wearing a white button up with black trousers and smart black shoes walks menacingly towards me, taunting me. His short blond hair and dark brown eyes only shown by the small light hung above me.
"Hello Keira, my name is Mateo Jimenez."
" do kn..know my name?" I almost whispered
He chuckled,"I know everything about everyone darling, and let me tell you, you have something of mine."
"Wh..what do you m..mean?"
"Don't get me angry sweet cheeks. You are beginning to get on my nerves, and you really don't what to see me when I'm angry" he said as he raised his voice .
I whimpered in my seat as he stepped closer, I could feel his hot breath on my face.
"Where is it sweet checks?" he said getting angry, he was almost shouting at this point.
"Pplease, I d..don't know what you mean" I cried with tears streaming down my face. "Please, you must have me confused, I don't..."
" Shut up! I am going to ask you one more time, where is it Keira Harris?" he asked picking up a weapon from a table.
"Please, I'm begging you, I don't know what you're talking about, ju..just please don't hurt me."
He stalked towards me, knife in hand.
"Wait boss." a voice hurried towards us.
"WHAT?" Mateo shouted back
"Boss, the last time I saw Logan from the other gang he did mention that Avery didn't want her children involved in this life, that's why she left... with that Brian" he responded with slight hesitance.
"Well it's too late for that now. She knows we are looking for something now, and she might know where it is!"

But before anyone could say anymore, gunshots were fired.
We were under attack.

Authors note: I'm not extra proud of this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway
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