Chapter 11

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I turn, he stares at me intently, as if trying to work out who I am, what I'm doing here.

Boxing takes all my thoughts away, all my troubles away. When I throw every punch my full concentration goes into it. There is no one getting me out of my focus. So no wonder I didn't hear him come in.

His eyes flickering with confusion, he tilts his head, his beautiful hair falling perfectly into his face. His jaw sculpted and  sharp like a Greek god.
But he suddenly turns away shaking his head.

A flash of hurt crossed my eyes. Part of me hoped he'd say something, that he would be impressed but... I guess not.

Ignoring him I turn back to the equipment, and get in the boxing ring. With no one against you except a dummy I can focus in accuracy and how hard I can hit.
I've never really had somewhere to practise properly. I was taught basic self defence and unfortunately had to use it, a bit too often in my opinion. But this way I can focus and concentrate and improve. If I'm going to be in the mafia or even live with people who are in the top ranks of the mafia means it is very likely I will be in trouble often.
I have to be able to defend myself.

Jab, jab, kick, jab, jab, kick this pattern continued until it was natural, until I didn't have to remind myself what to do. Getting more and more tired I finished with a roundhouse kick and the dummy landing flat on the floor.

The sweat trickling down my forehead. I had been at this for nearly 2 hours. It was time to stop.
I walk towards the door, picking up my water bottle and gulping down the mixture of juice and water. I look in the direction of Jacob.

He is sitting on the bench taking a rest before he will looks up again. His eyes almost staring into me, into my soul, trying to figure me out. He eyes have me tranquillised, we stare at each other what what seems like hours.

I am finally able to break out of his trance. I continue towards the door of the gym. My legs shaking beneath me from the running, my arms tense and my knuckles sore.

I reach out to the door handle, just as I was about step out I hear a low husky voice, so deep it was almost a whisper,

"Try some weight training, your arms won't be strained then."

Surprised I turned around, my jaw almost dropping at his voice at first, my mind starting to imagine how nice it would be to hear waking up in the morning.

Wait... is it even possible to be attracted to someone's voice?!?

Then I realise... he talked to me. He actually said something to me, with his own voice out of his own mouth!

"I-I-ummm.. yeah, ummm thanks, that would actually help me. Ahhh-hhhh, I will try that, thanks." I stutter

His face remains blank, but before I turn around completely I catch a small smile out of the corner of my eyes and a short, quiet "No problem".

I smile to myself as I walk out... progress.

Authors note: hey guys! What do you think?! We have progress with Jacob! If anyone has any ideas of who could play the characters let me know so I can make a whole list or even character aesthetics. Thanks
As always some feedback would be great!
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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