Chapter 2

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The loud manly voice ordering me to open the door,almost threateningly, means I don't have long left in this place. I have only lived here for 7 months but it has become home and I will miss having a place of my own to come home to.
I slowly rise from the wooden floor and walk as calmly as possible to the front door. My hands start to shake as it reaches for the handle. I twist the handle to reveal 2 men, both with dark brown hair that tower over me at around 6 feet.
"Miss Harris?"
"Uhh... yes, umm come in."
" Miss Harris..."
"Uh, Keira"
"Keira, as you know, not paying rent or your bills means we will have to take this property out of your ownership. I assume you have received the letters which had explained that we would come today and inform you that you will have to leave today."
Knowing this, my bags were already packed so I lead the men through the rest of the apartment to show I have cleared it all.
I walk alone to my room the rain stopping, the only sound I can hear being my breath. I close my eyes and think of the past 3 years. It's been a struggle. I can't even be a guardian to my siblings because I can't even take care of myself. I tried my best but now I am officially homeless.
I hoist up my backpack and walk to Mr Walker and Mr Young, and give in my keys to the apartment.
"Thank you Keira, I assume you have somewhere to stay." said Mr Walker
"Uhh, actually, I..."
"Well that's good, I will show you out." Mr Young said sternly.
And with that he swiftly opened the door, I stepped outside and turned around but before I could say anything the door was slammed in my face.
Well then.
With my long, jet black hair waving around in the wind I have to find somewhere to sleep or even stay for a while. I can't go back to the care home, so the streets it is.
After trudging around the streets for what seems like hours I settle on the pavement far from the curb.
Time passes, and food seems like an impossible situation. It's dark now, it must be around 9pm. I shiver as the cold breeze of the winter passes, I curl up to try and warm up but it's not likely with snow starting to fall.
Suddenly I hear footsteps walking towards me, multiple steps of at least 7 people. I see their shadows cast by the orange light of the street lights. I look down, not wanting to draw any attention to myself.
The steps slow down and stop in front of me.
"Hey, you." a deep but still young voice says. I stay silent with my head down.
"HEY! I'm talking to you!" his now noticeably drunken voice says.
"Luca leave the beggar alone, not worth anything" another voice said " but I think boss would like her for something else." he said with a smirk on his face.
The others grumble with agreement. Shocked I stare up at the man. Before I could defend myself, he said "She's a beauty, boss will be impressed with our achievement, we aren't even working and we bagged a good deal." he continued "Liam, Mason, Ethan... bag her up".
With that 3 men stepped forward, 2 with a brown looking sack and the shorter, younger one with a bat.
With a sympathetic look on his face the shorter man apologised and I suddenly felt a bat come in contact with the back of my head. First came dizziness, then came the darkness.

Authors note: What do you think so far? What do you think is going to happen next?
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