Chapter 5

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Expecting to wakeup tied to a wooden chair, with my head pounding and spinning, I am pleasantly surprised to wake up in a bed. A large King size bed coated with a black duvet and big black pillows comforting my head. A dark wooden frame supports the bed as it sits in a huge white room surrounding it.
I look around to see a few chests of draws and a door in the far right corner that probably leads to an en suite.
This looks like a regular guest room. But little did I know the multiple cameras in the room watching my every move were recoding and analysing me.

*behind the cameras*
Antonio's POV:

She way lying peacefully on the bed with her hair camouflaged by the pillows, her beautiful face showing no ounce of pain or suffering for now she wasn't frightened or worried, she was at peace.
I've been sitting here for hours, waiting for her to wake up. I was going to have people wake her as she seemed energetic when we took her, but the large bags under her eyes tell another story.
Her hazel eyes flutter open, they open and close adjusting to the light. She analyses the room and waits, like she is expecting someone to barge in.
"Tiago, have you found anything yet, why Mateo wanted her?" I asked. Tiago was my tech guy, needed to know anything about anyone or find anything... he was your man.
"Sorry Boss, but her connection to us might have been enough for Mateo to take her" he replied.
"Her connection to us?" I asked confused
"Her mother is Avery. Your mother's friend who married that weird Barry dude." He stated obviously.
"His name was Brian but carry on."
"Yeah, whatever, but she was meant to marry Mateo, to connect this mafia with that stupid gang of his. Mateo wanted power, but when Avery ran away, she changed her appearance and he could obviously never find her. Her daughter was the next best thing."
"Well where is Avery, why isn't she looking for her daughter?"
"She died, about 3 years ago, with her husband in a car crash. They had three other kids who are in a children's home around an hour away from here."
My face softens, she has lost both her parents and never sees her siblings, she's alone in this world, but I realise my mistake and cover it up. I can't feel remorse or sympathy towards this girl, I can't take over this mafia in a few months after my father and act like this. I need to be emotionless and hollow. It's the only way to ensure everyone's safety.
"I'm going in" I state as I get up from my chair and walk out of the room. Almost matching down the hallway I stand in front of her room.
I knock hard twice and enter. She is sitting up in the bed looking dazed.
"Keira Harris."
She snaps out of her daze and looks at me, her lips parted and a confused look covering her face. "How does everyone know my name?" She whispers to herself, but just loud enough for me to hear.
"The mafia can find out who anyone is." I said, confidence lacing my words.
"T..the ma..mafia?" she asked scared
"Welcome to the mafia Keira".

Authors note: Did you enjoy this chapter? How do you think this story is going to go, I would love some feedback!
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