Chapter 8

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It wasn't the same as seeing them in person, but it was more than I've seen in 3 years.
A picture of them together with us. All of their children. Next to them were lots of other picture of couples with their children, but a picture of us with a gold frame hung in the centre caught my attention.
A like year escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away.
"I wanted to show you this" Antonio said. "Your parents were supposed to lead this Mafia. Your mother was suppose to marry that other lunatic but she chose Brian. This family was and always will be forever split on whether that was the right decision."
I nodded unsure of what to say.
"But because she thought she made the wrong choice, she ran. And somehow nobody was able to find her. They gave up and it had to be handed over to my parents. My parents leading this Mafia for 20 years and in a few months it will be mine."
Shocked I look up. Him... the leader of a Mafia? What was he going to do to me?
"I know I'm shocked too, but don't worry princess... I wouldn't hurt you."
"Did I say that out loud?" I ask pink tinting my cheeks," you wouldn't be able to hurt me anyway." I say with a bit more confidence.
"Really? Is that so-" but before he finished he shot out his arm to strike me, but I was faster. My body bending back dodging his fist. Then, just as fast, my hand reached out to slap him.
With his head twisted to the side my fist made contact with his stomach, he tried to move but it was too late. He was bent over winded.
"Wow. You're better than I expected."
"What do you mean 'than I expected' you don't know me."
"You don't think your mother- an almost Mafia leader- would leave her children defenceless. Obviously you would have some history with self defence... I just didn't realise how much."
Proud,I stand up a bit higher.

But Antonio's demeanour changed suddenly once he heard a stern knock at the door. Before anything was said, an older, tall,tan man with grey hair walked in. His face serious, and stubble grazing the surface.
"Antonio." He spoke seriously, "Juan calling about the shipments. They weren't delivered."
"maledetti idioti! avevano solo un lavoro e non potevano nemmeno farlo."
He shouted. (Bloody idiots. They had one job and couldn't even do it!)
He stormed out the room, his hard footsteps echoing as he marched through the hallway and slamming a door after he stopped. His shouts were heard all the way from his study as annoyed Italian flew out of his mouth.

"Belissima" he spoke. "You really are your mother's daughter. he said with a slight accent.
"You knew my mother?"
"She was my wife's best friend."
"Y-your wife? S-so your the l-leader?"
"Don't bother getting nervous now, I'm out of my prime. Plus, you're family."
My silence said enough.
He opened his mouth to speak, but a young girl of about 4 years slowly walks in.
"Papà?" (Dad) Her dirty blonde hair and brown eyes innocent staring up at her father with love.
"si principessa?" (Yes princess?) He asked in a loving tone
"Can you play with me per favore?(please).
"Not now il mio tesoro, but maybe whe-" (my treasure) he couldn't finish before she shyly took a step forward and asked me. " who are you"
"Hi there sweety, I'm Keira, what's your name" I said crouching down.
"I-I'm Gabriella. I'm four." She said proudly, holding up 4 fingers. "W-will you play with me?" She asked innocently.
"Of course darling I just need-" she ran forward giggling and grabbed my hand. She ran out the door with our hands interlocked as I looked back at her father who just smiled at us.
What had I just got myself into?

Authors note: Long chapter today! Hope you guys are well and enjoyed the chapter. I would love some feedback if you have any, don't be shy to let me know what you think!
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Only Hoping to SurviveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang