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It was 10am and i had 16 missed phone calls from Dominic but i refused to talk to him. I heard Liz talking to him though so he knew where i was.

Liz walked in with a coffee for me and i happily accepted it thanking her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me.

"Dead" i said coldly, it hurt to feel so i decided to not feel anything and shut out all my emotions completely.

"Dominic is on his way to take you home" he told me and i felt the anger.

"no fucking way am i going if that whore is there" i spat.

"I don't think you have a choice" he said honestly.

I could scream right now.

My brain was going 100 mph and i couldn't keep up.

I should be dead with the amount of valium i've taken.

I was staring at the wall thinking about everything when Dominic just waltzed in.

"Let's go" he said staring through me with rage.

"No" i refused him not really thinking about the consequences.

"Get your ass off the floor and start walking or i swear to god-"

"What? you gonna fuck me into submission? Let me tell you this" i was beyond furious as i got closer to him "you will not come anywhere near me with your dick" i said through gritted teeth. He was taken aback because he didn't say anything.

"I don't want to catch anything from all your other meaningless whores" i scoffed.

"Go to the car Ana" he said firmly.

"Is she there?" i asked raising an eyebrow.

"Listen here. I own you. By law you are my submissive. In our contract you have agreed to do whatever i tell you to. So. I won't tell you again Ana, get in the god damn car" i hadn't realised i had started crying until i tasted my salty tears on my lip. I was done arguing with him so i was just going to fly back to my parents for a while, i needed to be away from him for a while so i can try to comprehend this all.

After the most awkward rude home i walked in and went straight to the room to pack a suitcase. Unfortunately Dominic followed.

"Are you leaving me? Because your feelings are hurt? You want to end the contract?" he mocked "I don't need a submissive who walks out because her feelings got hurt. Communication is key"

"I am not ending the fucking contract Dominic i'm going to see my parents" i was honestly loosing the will with him right now.

"You hate your parents" he stated.

"I have nobody! Not even you because i thought i meant something to you but last night you proved i was just your meaningless slut. You have made me fall in love with this world! WITH YOU!" i screamed as the tears poured down my cheeks.

"W-what? no Ana. Y-you can't love me" he stuttered.

"I get it, you don't do girlfriends. But i have fallen for you wether you like it or not. My heart aches so please just let me be away from you. I can't be here any longer because knowing that you are never going to love me back is killing me!"

"A-are you coming back" his eyes were glazed over and he blinked back tears which confused me.

"I-i don't know. I can't control who i fall in love with"

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