24| In the Words of the Great Timothee Chalamet

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24|In the Words of the Great Timothee Chalamet

WAKING up the next morning, I had 3 more texts from Theo and a few from Matteo, as well

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WAKING up the next morning, I had 3 more texts from Theo and a few from Matteo, as well. I groggily rolled onto my side and looked at the texts from Theo first:

THEO: ava

THEO: juliet

THEO: i can't believe you're ignoring me after you kissed me like that. evil.

I chuckled at the texts before clicking on the one from Matteo.

MATTEO: theo is fucking wack as shit. you got him messed up, AC. (also the elevator? kinky)

I rolled my eyes. Of course I expected Theo to tell Matteo what had happened considering how close they were. I just turned off my phone and got out of bed, making my way to the bathroom and splashing some cold water on my face.

I wrapped a blanket around myself and opened up the door to the balcony off of my room and Will's. I found Will sitting on the balcony with a mug — presumably filled with black coffee — in his hands, wearing one of his large theater sweatshirts from their production of Cinderella a while back.

He looked up at me when I made my way onto the balcony, wrapping the blanket tighter around my body due to the chill of a morning in New York. A light wind brushed through the air and tickled the side of my face just barely.

"Have any vivid dreams last night?" Will asked, smirking.

"Nothing particularly interesting. How about you?" I asked, throwing his question right back in his face. "Anything steamy?"

Will blushed and looked away, sipping his coffee. "Nope. Nada." He stood up and went to open the door to the hallway, nodding towards inside of the apartment. "Dad's making waffles."

I nodded but didn't move. After our gossip session about Theo and whoever the mysterious person Will kissed, we talked about the conversation I had with dad. Obviously, Will was the only person in our small family that I'd ever been able to tell about wanting to take over C&C, and similarly, he was the only person who was able to tell me that he wanted nothing to do with the business. So, thus, we had an understanding that the conversation between me and our dad was pretty damn upsetting. And annoying, honestly.

To be truthful, I hadn't really thought about the conversation between me and my dad until Will and I started talking about it. My mind had been pretty damn occupied up until that point of the night, mainly thinking about the same slightly intolerable yet incredibly good looking and fun person.

Fuck me, I thought. Theo really had gotten to me.

"Ava, he wants to apologize," Will said. "He never means what he says."

"No, he never means to upset me," I corrected. "He always means what he says."

Will shot me a sympathetic look. "He's still sorry. And I want waffles, but Id really like it if my sister who is back from college for a total of 2 days would have waffles with me." He gave me his best puppy dog eyes (which almost always worked), pulling the sibling card on me.

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