Chapter 2

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"Charlotte!" exclaimed Mary Parker when she and Lady Susan were announced as visitors to Trafalgar House. "We had not heard that you were returning to Sanditon! What a wonderful surprise!" Mary enveloped Charlotte in a warm hug. "Tom and the children will be so happy to see you. They just left a few moments ago to run on the beach. Please, come into the drawing room and we will call for tea. I am so anxious to hear about your time away." Turning attention to Lady Susan, Mary teased, "You certainly kept the secret of Charlotte's return well Lady Susan! Everyone will be so pleased."

Lady Susan remarked with a sly smile, "It was not meant to be a secret. I was simply selfish in wanting time with Charlotte before everyone else made claims on her attention."

Mary continued with a smile she could not extinguish, "Charlotte, you might think it surprising for Tom to have time to relax with the children, but he is a changed man-I have my husband back. With the rebuild moving ahead and the capital from Lady Denham, there is actually time for a bit of fun." Mary, reaching for Charlotte's hand effused, "Oh, it is so wonderful to see you. You are looking well, my dear. I worried so about you."

"And you, Mary, you look simply wonderful! I have missed you all so much and I am happy to be back in Sanditon. There is so much to tell! I am looking forward to a good long visit, although there is no rush-I am now making Sanditon my home. We will have lots of time to catch up. I simply could not wait to see you all." Charlotte spoke with genuine affection for the Parkers. Looking around the familiar rooms, Charlotte's eyes fell upon the scale model of Sanditon. She remembered standing at that very spot and the conversation with Sidney filled with promise just before everything changed. It had all seemed so certain in that moment.

As the tea was brought to the drawing room, an eruption of laughter and young voices were heard as the door opened to happy children and Tom carrying the youngest-little James, now toddling, who was able to join the fun with the older children. As Tom handed off his coat and hat, he was unaware of visitors. As he turned and glanced over his shoulder he said, "Oh my word, I am sorry to have interrupted. I did not know you had visitors, Mary ... Charlotte? Charlotte! My, what a wonderful surprise! I had not the slightest idea that you were in Sanditon. How on earth did you manage to sneak into town?" Tom quickly came into the room, brushing sand from his trousers, crossing the room to greet Charlotte. "You, my dear, look absolutely amazing."

The children quickly surrounded Charlotte with great hugs and smiles, chattering a mile a minute, which was something Charlotte had missed terribly-much in the way she missed her younger sisters and brothers. The Parker children had written to her, and their sweet letters sent ahead by her own family, were the only contact she allowed herself with the Parkers. Letters from Mary or Diana would have been far too painful to endure. No, it was easier for her to move ahead without news or explanations, and she desperately needed to separate herself from the family, at least for a while.

"Lady Susan, you have kept the best secret of the year! How are you, my Lady? We are happy to see you settled here in Sanditon for the summer months. I trust your home is to your liking?" Tom asked, ever the ambassador for Sanditon.

"Oh yes, it is adequate for a summer respite. London can be excruciatingly hot and oppressive in late summer. The sea breezes here are a welcome change."

Tom, having forgotten momentarily how Mary shared with him the growing affection between Charlotte and Sidney before the disastrous fire, spoke freely without thinking, "You just missed Sidney. He left early this morning to return to London, and unfortunately, we have seen very little of him this past year. He has devoted himself to his work and to the responsibility for his ward, Miss Lambe." Lady Susan and Mary exchanged glances, knowing this information may be uncomfortable for Charlotte. Charlotte, however, managed a smile but did not remark.

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