Chapter 10

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"I believe he has taken a fancy to you, Alison." Charlotte teased. As the sisters worked side by side on the preparations for the regatta, the sisterly jesting continued, "And you, my dear sister, are waiting for your heart to mend or for Mr. Sidney Parker to finally return on his dashing white stallion and set things right," Alison said, knowing that for Charlotte the waiting was for things to become clear with Sidney.

"Well, Charlotte, I find Mr. Stringer very charming, and he does have the most beautiful smile!" Alison said.

"So, this attraction is mutual, I may presume?" Charlotte asked with a questioning voice.

"Well, it is lovely to be fancied by such a man as that. There is certainly no one who charms me in Willingden!" Alison said with emphasis.

With an exchange only two sisters could dare without misunderstanding, the two women set to work on designing announcements and invitations. Charlotte was the business minded one but Alison was the artistic one in the family. Between them they were not only accomplishing all that needed to be done but were having such a wonderful reunion doing so.

As a surprise for Charlotte, Tom and Mary had sent an invitation to Willingden to have Charlotte's sister, Alison, as their house guest until after the regatta and to also cheer Charlotte who seemed to be all work and no joy these days. And, it had worked. Alison arrived without announcement to anyone, and Charlotte was so overcome with such tears of joy that it was difficult to not join in with her.

"Mary, Tom, thank you! How brilliant to surprise me! How can I ever thank you?" Charlotte effused as she could not release her hold on her sister's hand. "No need to thank, Charlotte. We thought she might be just the helper you needed, and we were looking forward to getting acquainted with another Heywood!" Tom replied, smiling.

As the sisters continued to work together, Alison asked somewhat quietly, "Have you heard from Mr. Parker-Sidney, that is, about his expected return to England?"

"No, it has been over two weeks and no word. I expect that they are sailing home and he has not had an opportunity to post letters while at sea. At least, that is my hope." Charlotte said with a bit of hesitation in her voice. "The sea journey can take weeks, and that is if the weather cooperates!" she added.

"With the festivities just two weeks away, we have plenty to occupy ourselves, my dear sister, so back to work!" Charlotte said with mock seriousness. " After all, I am the Admiral of this ship, so follow me!"

And with that they gathered up their artwork, chattering happily, and set out for the print shop.

Once their instructions for the printers were finalized, Charlotte returned to Lady Susan's and Alison to Trafalgar House. Living separately was a blessing in some ways, as the Parkers kept Alison entertained, especially with the children, which she loved. A romp with the children after dinner was exactly what Alison enjoyed and Charlotte was quite simply, too exhausted to join them.

Charlotte was spending much of herself on the work she was engaged in for the building of Sanditon and planning the regatta; however, the thing that drew her energy most was her constant thinking of her future, Sidney, and what might be once he returned.

"Lady Susan, it is always such a pleasure to come home and find you here!" she said as she laid aside her bonnet and sought a comfortable chair. "You, my Lady, are a tonic for my exhausted mind! I cannot thank you enough for the peace of your home."

"So happy to have you here, dear girl. Please think of this as your home, as well. And, may I ask how is your sister adjusting to Sanditon? I believe you have been working closely together to move the regatta along."

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