Chapter 12

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Charlotte Heywood was completely immersed in the planning and oversight of the upcoming Second Annual Sanditon Regatta, as well as her daily responsibility to the new addition of Sanditon, now named Waterloo Crescent. James Stringer had proved himself most capable of taking her vision and plans and making them reality. It was satisfying to see the progress every day. A miracle, really, and she never failed to tell him so.

She found little time during her days to reflect on Sidney's absence although once she retired for the day to the blessing of Lady Susan's home, her thoughts returned immediately to him. It had now been over four weeks since his last correspondence. The only explanation was that the party was sailing for England. She was ever vigilant to any disastrous news of sailing crossings or heavy weather at sea. Thankfully, there had been nothing contrary reported.

"Charlotte!" called Tom Parker as she was announced at Trafalgar House. "Please come in. Would you like tea this morning?" he offered. "Oh, no thank you, Mr. Parker. I am just on my way to make sure all is progressing on the regatta. We are just a few days away from the festivities and I was hoping you might be able to tell me if the hotel and apartments are booking up. It would help to know the number of visitors to expect."

"Wonderful news there, Charlotte. The hotel is at capacity for the day and night-many are coming and planning to stay for the ball that evening. And, last count we had exactly one apartment available, but requests continue to come in. We will be full to capacity!" he said with enthusiasm.

"Oh, that is good news! Alison and I have been working to make sure we have enough refreshments for the expected crowd. Mary has been a marvelous help with that aspect of the day, which I must say is not my specialty. It is exciting to see the day approaching!" Charlotte smiled, although it was clear to Tom Parker that she was looking a bit weary.

"Yes, I suppose it will be a relief to have this behind you. I was bold to ask you to wear the Admiral's hat with this, but you have done an outstanding job. It will keep Sanditon on the map, thanks to you, Charlotte. We could not have done this without you... and your sister, Alison, of course. She is a delight. She is working hard with you, and our children are in love with her!"

As Charlotte rose from her chair and moved toward the door, she said with a smile, "I must be off. I am pleased that things are moving ahead so well with bookings! Please give Mary my best, and I hope to see her and the children soon."

With that, Charlotte left Trafalgar House and with her mind on the preparations for the regatta, she practically missed the greeting of Mr. Arthur Parker.

"Miss Heywood!" Arthur was animatedly waving and calling after her. He was possibly the most cheerful person anyone would want to know.

"Good morning, Miss Heywood! What a fine day it is for a walk. The doctor says that I am meant to be taking a walk daily for the treatment of my many ailments. You know what a poor constitution I have-pity-I would love to try horseback riding again."

"Good morning, Arthur! Always nice to see you." Charlotte replied, with a smile. "Please join me while I walk, it will allow us to catch up."

As Charlotte and Arthur walked in a companionable way, he continued his oration about his ailments, although these afflictions were invisible to others. Charlotte simply smiled and asked, "How is Diana faring since I last saw you? I apologize for not having made time to visit more with you both. After your surprising introduction to Alison at the river, we have only had the briefest conversation."

Arthur replied in all seriousness, "Diana is spending this morning with Mary and the children, but she often complains of the cold here at the seaside! Although I believe she is coping as well as could be expected given her weaknesses."

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