Chapter 9

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"Second Annual Sanditon Regatta!" Tom enthused while helping himself to a glass of wine... "and none other than our own dear Charlotte to help plan and orchestrate! How did we ever manage without her?" Mary, smiling, enjoyed Tom's enthusiasm, "Yes, however did we? She is nothing short of a miracle worker-Lady Susan Worcester's visit to see Charlotte last year made the Regatta a success, and now we hear it is expected of Sanditon again this year. Everyone loved it so. I do hope Charlotte is ready for another challenge," Mary said. "I believe her involvement with the new building plans is taking a lot of her time. I do miss seeing her and this would bring her to our door more often."

As if on cue, Charlotte was announced as a visitor. As she swept into the room she said happily, "Good afternoon, Tom, Mary. I was just out to enjoy this lovely day and before I knew it, I was led to your door! I do hope I am not interrupting?"

"Of course not, Charlotte, you are welcome here anytime. Please come sit down and give us all your news!" Tom said with a broad smile. "As a matter of fact, we were just discussing the possibility of the Second Annual Sanditon Regatta. What do you say to that?"

"Oh, I think that would be lovely! It was such a success last year, bringing visitors to see what Sanditon is about, and as a result, Lady Susan has made this her summer home. How perfect is that? Our only problem, if you could call it that, would be accommodating everyone." Charlotte began immediately thinking of the new buildings going up knowing that they would not be ready.

"That brings me to my question, dear Charlotte. You were so instrumental in planning last year, how would you like to again be involved-this time as, what did Sidney and the children call you-- Admiral Heywood? I would leave you to head up the planning if you are willing." Tom asked with a sparkle in his eye. "Of course, I am at your disposal to help however you choose."

"Oh, Tom, I am pleased that you think me capable of this! I will need to think of who my willing helpers might be. I remember all of the work last year and I suppose it will be even bigger this year. We would need to have a thorough conversation about the details and get started planning-it should be only a few weeks away now." Charlotte looked from Tom to Mary and said, "Of course I will do it!"

Charlotte smiled and said, "I had no idea what my brief visit would bring. And, as usual, Tom, you are promoting Sanditon with every breath! Thank you for your confidence in me. I will do my best for you and Sanditon."

Charlotte's planning began immediately in her mind as she made her way home. She welcomed the distraction from her work with Mr. Stringer and the endless revisions as the buildings progressed. It was, however, a joy to use the knowledge she gained while in New York.

Correspondence with Sidney, Georgiana, and her family was taking a good bit of her evenings. "Perhaps Sidney, Georgiana, and Otis, will be back in time for the regatta," she thought to herself, daring to hope for an end to this separation from Sidney and a renewal of her friendship with Georgiana and Otis.

As Charlotte returned to Lady Susan's, she was deep in thought of what the regatta could mean to Sanditon. Her hope was that the beau monde would again attend and make it the success it needed to be. With the increase in facilities and apartments, which must eventually be let, without an increase in visitors her plans will not only be for naught but could end very badly for Lady Susan and her investment.

"Lady Susan!" she said enthusiastically with a broad smile as she entered the house, dispensing with her bonnet. "I have just been to see Tom and Mary Parker and they have asked me to assist with the Second Annual Sanditon Regatta. In fact, they are asking that I lead the planning. What do you think about that? I did say I would do it but could be dissuaded if you think it is more than I should take on."

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