Chapter 6

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"Mr. Parker... what a surprise," Charlotte said with a sharpness in her voice while attempting to catch her breath.

"Miss Heywood... I daresay the surprise is all mine." Her gloved hand rested in his, steadying her after their collision. Reluctantly he released her hand as he noted how it fitted his perfectly and the memory of their dances, hand-in-hand, flooded back to him.

Charlotte began with her usual apology, "I am sorry, I was..."

Sidney interrupted her, "No... I am afraid I was lost in my own thoughts, having just learned that you were in Sanditon after so many months absent--and not a word of your whereabouts or plans for a year," he said with the slightest edge to his voice. "Perhaps Lord Babbington has been to see you?"

"Y-yes, yes he did call just today. It was so nice to see him." Charlotte stuttered slightly as she was inclined to do when nervous.

They stood in the street facing one another, finding it difficult to look away, and also unable to find words or knowing where to begin. Noticing the curious crowd, Sidney said, "Perhaps we should walk. We seem to be something of a spectacle after our slightly disastrous meeting."

"Miss Heywood... Charlotte, I am hoping to call on you before I leave Sanditon in a few days. Babbington may have mentioned that I will not be returning for several weeks and I am hoping... " Sidney's voice trailed off as he couldn't articulate what he had rehearsed in his mind for months-to let her know how ardently he sought her once his engagement was broken, and his frustration at the impenetrable wall her family put up to protect her. Aside from his love for her, his agitation at her disappearance, although completely understandable, and becoming unreachable was pulsing in his temples.

Charlotte finding her voice said, "Your brother Tom spoke of your upcoming trip with Georgiana and Otis. That is a surprising development. I just sent a letter to Georgiana, but I believed she was on her way to Antigua and not to receive it for some time. Please tell her how much I look forward to hearing from her."

Sidney offered, "You may find it interesting that I am much more involved with Georgiana, and since she is not keen on Sanditon, my oversight of her has kept me in London more than I might have liked. It also gave me an opportunity to be involved with the reconciliation between her and Otis Molineux. They deserved every possible chance."

Charlotte smiled to herself remembering how she had confronted him about not taking his role as guardian of Georgiana seriously.

"Mr. Parker, as for calling on me, I have meetings that I must honor, but if you are still in Sanditon after tomorrow, you may call at Lady Susan Worcester's where I am now in residence," Charlotte said, and at the same time questioned herself silently whether it was wise given how raw her emotions continue to be.

"Shall I see you home?" Sidney asked as befitting the situation. "Well, I was intending to collect my post, but that can wait. With the weather finally taking a turn for the better I was actually thinking of a walk on the beach before returning home," Charlotte remarked while looking toward the sea, "You are welcome to walk with me if you would like."

Sidney, replied with a slight smile and a deep breath, "Yes, that would be nice. I have been taking the sea air and enjoying the clifftops myself when visiting Sanditon. The view from the cliffs never disappoints-one of my favorite places." He said with a subtle reference to their time together.

For a long while they walked in silence. Small talk would be too painful and all else was too ripe for misunderstanding and disaster.

As they reached the foot of the cliff path Charlotte asked hesitantly, "Were you by chance walking the clifftop last evening in that brutal weather?"

Sidney smiled and remarked, "Indeed I was. It nearly swept me off the cliff, and if I hadn't held onto my hat, it would have been blown to France." Continuing, he said quietly while looking into the distance, "I had just heard from Tom and Mary that you were in Sanditon and I wanted to clear my mind before joining the family for the evening."

Charlotte's heart beat faster remembering the sense of his presence calling her name. Perhaps she was not losing her mind entirely.

As the sun began to near the sunset horizon, Charlotte said, "Well, Mr. Parker, I really must return home now. I have much to read in preparation for my meeting tomorrow."

Although Sidney was curious about her meeting, he refrained from questioning her and expected that it must be in pursuit of her new interests-indeed, Mary and Tom had informed him of her new credential in architecture and her intent to join forces with Lady Worcester and Mr. Stringer in planning and building the new addition to the spa town. She is certainly no ordinary young woman, as Tom had remarked. His heart expanded at the thought of the many facets of this woman.

Once home, she bade good evening, and after closing the door, dispensing with her wrap and bonnet, she sat down on the nearest chair and dissolved in tears of relief. The tension between them was palpable with unspoken thoughts, accusations one of the other, and the desire to sweep the last year away. They both longed to return to their final good-bye and change their history-because it was immensely disagreeable.

Charlotte, gaining control of her tears, took the stairs to her rooms where she would continue to ponder the part Sidney Parker might play in her heart again. However, with the practical matters that lay before her for the morrow, she knew she must clear her mind and begin preparing for her meeting with James Stringer.

Her well-worn copy of Heraclitus lay open on her table. "Stepping into the same river twice," became her persistent thought.

As Sidney Parker walked back to Trafalgar House to the family that cost him his happiness, he knew he would need to muster every strength to not accuse-not to rail at his brother Tom for his foolishness. For at this moment all that mattered to Sidney Parker was the hope of beginning again with Charlotte. He was all too aware that she may not choose him again, but he knew his happiness, nay, his life depended on this.

"Tomorrow," he said to himself, "I will let Lord Babbington know of the chance meeting and my walk with Charlotte. Babbers will find the circumstances humorous, but the possibilities anything but that."

Time alone would tell.

Admiral Heywood ReturnsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum