Part 1

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I hadn't had a lot of experience with relationships or talking to girls in general. I did have a girl in my 3rd-grade class who claimed to like me but once the whole class found out she stopped trying to pursue me. My older brother-Jack-on the other hand was a big ladies man. He was only a year older than me but he acted like he was 17 and I was 5. Every night it was a different girl in his bedroom, making his bedsprings creak. I was thankful I didn't share a room with him anymore.

Even though I had never been in a relationship, it didn't mean I didn't want one. I had crushes in middle school and in my freshman and sophomore year of high school but once I was in my junior year of high school, I paid more attention to my grades more than anything, especially girls. Plus, the girls were the same every year. I lived in a small town so everyone knew each other or knew of each other. "Matthew, are you listening to me?" my sister snapped. My sister-Kyra-hated when I-or anyone- didn't listen to her. I looked over to see her staring at me, waiting for a response.

"Sorry, I got distracted," Kyra grunted and started her story over again. It always seemed that her middle school was more exciting than mine. Every day it's the same story, "so and so did this, whatshisname punched nameless," I didn't bother to listen to the names of her classmates. It didn't concern me who punched who. Once I pulled into the driveway of our house, she stopped talking, or at least until we were in our house then she would start to rant to our mom.

"Mom! You'll never guess what happened today!" Kyra barrelled into the kitchen and started to talk my mother's ear off.

"OMG mom you will never guess what happened today!" Jack mocked Kyra. I was actually surprised to see him home, I thought he'd be out with another girl.

"Shut up," Kyra looked at him blankly. I knew he was going to start an argument and I wasn't in the mod to be forced onto sides like I always was. I shuffled downstairs and into my bedroom. Since I was a middle child, I got the 3rd biggest room, which was in the basement. Thankful my parents, sister and brother were all upstairs so I got my peace and quiet in my room. I threw my bookbag on my bed and sat on my white spinny chair. My parents always say that my room looked the most 'mature' out of me and my siblings. It wasn't much, just some posters of famous sports players and my bed and desk. I got my laptop out of my bag and set it on my desk as the black screen faded to reveal the screensaver I had picked when I first got it for Christmas last year.

I tried to stay focused on my homework but my friend, Ryan, kept trying to call me, probably to complain about his girlfriend. I don't understand why he stays with her, whenever he mentions her, it's always to complain. I finally had it and answered my phone, reluctantly, but I knew I didn't have much of a choice. "What do you want Ryan?" I answered the phone.

"Yo, did you hear?" Ryan said excitedly. Good thing I hadn't put myself on mute while he rambled like I usually did, he finally said something that was relevant to me.

"What? No? What's it about?" I asked him. He gasped as if I was supposed to know what he was talking about.

"I can't believe you haven't looked yet, the school announced our end of the year field trip!" Ryan gasped again. I rolled my eyes and opened a second tab on my laptop. When I started to type in my school's name, the school's website appeared in the suggested section of the search bar. I clicked the website and I was welcomed by big fonts and bright colours. Our school colours were yellow and blue, which didn't make sense since our school mascot was a bull. When I think of blue and yellow, I don't necessarily think of a bull. I clicked the most recent update labelled 'New Announcement: End of Year Trip/ Senior Trip' in blue font. The page opened to multiple paragraphs, some for teachers, some for parents, and some for students. I scrolled down to the bolded font. 'Junior trip details' was bolded for seniors to easily find, even though we had a rough idea where we were going.

'Dear Junior students, As you know we have a yearly school trip and we have taken into consideration your ideas and votes. While there were lots of great and unique ideas, the student body has voted for 1 idea, a camping trip. We will be going to Camp Kajiki for 4 days, including the day we leave and arrive. We have yet to decide the dates but we hope to aim for late May, we hope you are all satisfied with this decision and we thank you for your ideas. Sincerely, Principal Willson,' The paragraph was shorter than what my principal would usually write on the school website but I was excited. I was one of the students who chose to go camping, but I somehow knew there would be a terrible twist to this planning.

"We're going camping?" I said into the phone, I could hear mouse clicks coming from the other side of the phone. Ryan wasn't the type to do homework right after it was assigned so I knew he was reading the letter on the school blog.

"Yeah, didn't you vote for it?" Ryan asked. I realized I had said it in a concerned and disappointed voice, I didn't mean to though, it was just the way I spoke.

"Yeah, did you?" I tried to sound more enthusiastic. I know Ryan told me what he voted for at some point but I couldn't remember for the life of me.

"No, I voted for a skiing trip but I'm excited about this too," I could hear the eye-roll in his voice.

"Well, you interrupted my homework session and now I have to get back into the zone, ok?" I admit that from time to time, Ryan did get on my nerves, especially when he would call for stupid reasons.

"Aha, sorry dude, I'll leave you be, bye!" he laughed and hung up without letting me say bye.

"Bye then," I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone onto my bed and then got back to work.

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